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Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts (Page 27)

Pain & Suffering in My Workers’ Comp Case?

pain and suffering

Can I get Pain and Suffering in my Workers Compensation Case?   No, you cannot get paid for pain and suffering during or after your workers compensation case.  Even though a work injury effects an individual and their loved ones in many ways—physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially to name a few—pain  suffering benefits are not written into the Mississippi Workers’ Comp law.  An on-the-job injury disturbs a person’s ability to earn a living, pay bills, buy groceries, socialize, and a multitude of other things yet you cannot get paid for everything you go through or the pain you endure when you suffer...

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Children & Personal Injury Attorneys’ Fees

attorneys' fees

How much does a child have to pay in attorneys’ fees in a Mississippi personal injury case?   The answer to attorneys' fees depends on a number of things.   When a minor is injured in Mississippi, his parents generally hire an attorney to pursue the case on his behalf. Different attorneys use varying fee percentages for minors, usually depending on the type of personal injury case, but the vast majority of fees probably range from 1/3-40% in attorneys’ fees.  When a settlement is reached, the settlement must be approved by the chancery court (either through a minor settlement or a full guardianship, depending...

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When To Talk To A Lawyer If Hurt Offshore

Boat Crash Kills Teen

I got hurt working offshore, when should I talk to a lawyer?   The short answer to getting hurt when working offshore - as soon as possible.   With its high pay and often little to no training required, this kind of work is one of the most enticing jobs here in Mississippi and Louisiana. With reward however comes risk - working on the water is often literally back-breaking work. In addition to the heavy labor, many offshore workers face dangerous conditions on the ships due to poor maintenance, lack of training, inadequate safety measures and dilapidated conditions of the ship overall.   Because offshore work...

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Workers’ Comp & Getting Hurt To or From Work

work hurt

Can I get Workers’ comp if I was on my way to or from work and got hurt?   It depends. The general rule is that coming and going to work is not a compensable Workers’ Comp injury.  However, the Mississippi Supreme Court has established exceptions to that rule.  For example, if you drive a company car, are reimbursed for transportation, or if you do some of your work at home, you may have a compensable injury.  Another exception is that if you are injured by an inherent hazard or danger in the conditions along your route, or if you are injured...

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Essure Sales Officially Over in U.S.

Essure - Fetal - officially

Bayer Officially Stops Sales of Essure in United States Bayer has officially stopped selling the Essure birth control implant in the United States, the last country to stop selling the controversial device.  Bayer said their decision to stop sales of Essure was due to declining sales in the U.S., although they still stand by the safety and effectiveness of Essure.  The U.S. is the last country where Essure is still being sold.  Over 16,000 lawsuits have been filed by women who were injured, Bayer reported earlier this year, claiming they were not warned of the risk of side effects. Essure was approved in...

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Monsanto Glyphosate Found in Breakfast Foods

Glyphosate found in cereal

A new report found glyphosate, a weed-killing chemical that health authorities link to cancer, in a number of popular breakfast foods and cereals marketed to children. The study by the non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) discovered trace amounts of the most widely used herbicide in the country in oats, granolas and snack bars. Thirty-one out of 45 tested products had levels higher than what some scientists consider safe for children. Glyphosate is the most-widely used herbicide in the U.S., Alexis Temkin, EWG’s toxicologist, said in a recent interview. The tested products — which include popular brands like Cheerios, Lucky Charms and Quaker —...

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Monsanto Roundup Cases Move Forward

Monsanto Roundup

Monsanto Roundup Judge Allows Cases To Move Forward According to the Associated Press, hundreds of lawsuits alleging Monsanto Roundup weed killer caused cancer cleared a big hurdle Tuesday when a U.S. judge ruled that cancer victims and their families could present expert testimony linking the herbicide to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria said evidence that the active ingredient in Roundup — glyphosate — can cause the disease seemed “rather weak.” Still, the opinions of three experts linking glyphosate and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma were not “junk science” that should be excluded from a trial, the judge ruled. The lawsuits say agrochemical giant Monsanto,...

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Attorneys Recent CABA Speaking Engagement

attorneys CABA

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Attorneys Rogen K. Chhabra and Teresa E. Harvey were honored to speak at the Capital Area Bar Association’s continuing legal education seminar on April 6th at the Mississippi Bar Center in Jackson, MS. Mr. Chhabra spoke to the group of attorneys about the essentials needed to start your own law firm. Ms. Harvey spoke regarding social security disability and practicing before administrative law judges. If you or a loved one is in need of assistance with Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation or Social Security Disability in Mississippi, feel free to contact Rogen or CG Law Group by...

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Insurance Questions After a Car Wreck

Car wreck

Insurance Questions After Dealing With a Car Wreck.   What happens if I have a car wreck and I don’t have car insurance?   In Mississippi, the law requires that every person driving a car be able to provide proof of insurance coverage.  Failure to have insurance can subject you to penalties and fines, but it is much worse if you have a car wreck that is your fault.    You can always be sued whether you have insurance or not, but without insurance you would liable for all of the damages.  This could subject you to garnishment and/or seizure of your assets.  Also, you...

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