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Chhabra & Gibbs, P.A. > Blog Posts (Page 35)

Can I choose my Own Doctor?

Physician Doctor

Yes, but hurry.  The recent change to the Workers’ Compensation Act takes away the right to choose your own doctor if you treat with the company choice for more than 6 months or if you have a surgery. Many times when people are hurt on the job, they are sent to the company doctor.  What people don’t realize is that they are entitled by law to choose their own physician and the company has to pay for it.  Companies will often ask you to sign a form saying that you accept the company doctor as your choice.  Signing this form is...

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How many weeks am I entitled to be paid if I get hurt at work?

Hurt on the job contractor

There are two types of disability payments, temporary and permanent.  The law allows up to 450 weeks of payments total up to the state maximum for the year of the injury.  The maximum for an injury occurring in 2013 is $202,104.  The benefits generally start as weekly or bi-weekly checks until the temporary period ends and the permanent period begins.  The change from temporary to permanent usually occurs when a person reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).  This is normally determined by the treating physician when they feel that treatment has reached a plateau (unfortunately this does not always mean complete healing...

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Owner May Not Be At Fault From Slip and Fall

slip fall

Just because you slipped or tripped and fell on someone's property doesn't mean that they are automatically responsible for your injuries. In a slip and fall case, the law requires you to show that the business or property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition before the accident. If you are unable to show that the business or property owner knew or should have known about the condition on the property, your case can be dismissed. Proving that an owner should have known (i.e. had constructive knowledge) about a dangerous condition is usually difficult. In order to assist...

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Workers’ Compensation benefits. How Long and How Much?


You are entitled to medical benefits immediately in Mississippi.  If you miss more than 5 days of work then you are also entitled to compensation benefits while you are off work.  You will generally be entitled to 2/3rds of your average weekly wage up to the state maximum for that year. The state maximum for an injury occurring in 2013 is $449.12.   Figuring out your average weekly wage is not always an exact science but it should be fair to the worker.  It includes wages, overtime, mileage, per diem’s, housing or any other form of compensation averaged over the previous...

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Hurt at Work and Company Doctor is Not Helping

helping laws

What do I do if I am hurt and the company doctor is not helping? First, you have a right to a choice of physician if you have not already made one, unless you treated with the company choice for more than 6 months or had a surgery.  Miss. Code Ann. § 71-3-15 requires an employer to furnish any and all medical treatment necessary for recovery of the work related injury.   As the injured employee, you have the right to accept the services of a doctor recommended by your employer; or you may exercise your right to select a competent doctor...

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Difference Between Federal and State Court

federal courthouse Jackson, MS

Federal Courts only have jurisdiction over personal injury claims when “diversity” between the parties exists.  Diversity is all about what state each party resides in.  Diversity jurisdiction exists where all defendants are from different states than all plaintiffs and the amount in controversy exceeds $75K. If a party on opposite side is from the same state, diversity is destroyed. However, persons on the same side may be from the same state.   If no diversity exists, then the case belongs in State Court. When filing a claim where diversity exists, state court is still a viable place for the injured person to...

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Hurt while working on the water

water longshore

In short, the name of an experienced attorney.  Injuries that occur at work for those men and women who work on or around the water can be broken into two classes of cases: Longshore and Jones Act.  Undoubtedly, you've seen attorneys advertise on television about Longshore and Jones Act cases, but what are they?  How are they different from one another?  More importantly, how do they affect you? The Longshore and Harbor workers' Compensation Act (Longshore for short) is a federal law that requires employers to purchase and carry workers' compensation insurance - the purpose of which is to ensure that...

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Grease Spilled Slip on Floor From Employer. Can I Sue?


Spilled grease on floor from employer. I slipped and fell. I am hurting. Can I sue? No.  You have a workers’ compensation claim and a workers compensation claim only.  The law says this: § 71-3-9. Exclusiveness of liability The liability of an employer to pay compensation shall be exclusive and in place of all other liability of such employer to the employee, his legal representative, husband or wife, parents, dependents, next-of-kin, and anyone otherwise entitled to recover damages at common law or otherwise from such employer on account of such injury or death, except that if an employer fails to secure payment of...

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Hurt While Working For A Subcontractor With No Insurance.

Hurt on the job contractor

I got hurt while working for a subcontractor. Come to find out, he did not have workers’ compensation insurance. Am I just out of luck? Not necessarily.  The law states: § 71-3-7 (6) In the case of an employer who is a subcontractor, the contractor shall be liable for and shall secure the payment of such compensation to employees of the subcontractor, unless the subcontractor has secured such payment. What this means is you go “up the chain” to whoever hired your subcontractor employer to see if there is coverage.  Sometimes there may be several subcontractors and contractors with coverage, and it will...

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Legislator Telling Truth On Workers Comp Laws?

helping laws

No, the new laws do not help the worker at all.  One major change that was made is a new law was written to say: § 71-3-7  In all claims in which no benefits, including disability, death and medical benefits, have been paid, the claimant shall file medical records in support of his claim for benefits when filing a petition to controvert. If the claimant is unable to file the medical records in support of his claim for benefits at the time of filing the petition to controvert because of a limitation of time established by Section 71-3-35 or Section 71-3-53,...

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