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Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts (Page 21)

Contacting a Mississippi Personal Injury Attorney

Contacting a Mississippi Personal Injury Attorney

Many people wonder if they need to contact a Jackson, Mississippi personal injury lawyer for their personal injury case in Mississippi. There isn’t always a yes or no answer to this, because it really depends on the facts of the case. At Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., we meet with people as part of a free, confidential consultation. There are never any hidden fees and there are no strings attached to the process. If our personal injury attorneys feel that you need an attorney for your case, we will let you know, just like if we didn’t feel that you...

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The Green Card: What Is It, And How Does It Work?

Green Card

People from all over the world would die to have one. It is tough to get and can be an expensive process. Only a select few ultimately obtain it. I am talking about the Legal Permanent Residence (LPR) card or green card. The term green card is actually a misnomer because while the card used to be a green color, it is not green anymore. The card or document acts as proof of a person’s status in the United States. Generally speaking, there are multiple ways for a person to obtain a green card. Someone could get one through a U-visa,...

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Workers’ Comp During Job Traveling

Workers' Compensation While Traveling

Many times we have clients wanting to know if they can get Workers’ Compensation in Mississippi if they are injured while traveling to and from their job. There is not a complete yes or no to that question. The general rule is that coming and going to work is not a compensable Workers’ Compensation injury in Mississippi. However, the Mississippi Supreme Court has established exceptions to that rule. For example, if you drive a company car, are reimbursed for transportation, or if you do some of your work at home, you may have a compensable injury if you are in a car...

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How Will a Border Wall Help?

Border Wall

The number of undocumented people living in the United States has continued to decline from 2016-2017. According to a study from the Center for Migration Studies, this marks the seventh consecutive year that visa overstays outnumbered illegal border wall crossings. Most people obtain a visa from an overseas U.S. consulate. A visa is an official endorsement which certifies that the visa applicant has been examined and is permitted to seek admission to the United States at a designated port of entry. Two different types of visas exist: Immigrant and non-immigrant visas. A non-immigrant visa is issued to a foreign national...

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Countries and Clients Represented

Countries Represented

As of today, our Immigration Team have represented individuals from 28 countries and have represented different clients at 17 Immigration Courts! The following of countries that we have represented: United States, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ivory Coast, Ghana, India, Yemen, Egypt, Palestine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Australia, Cuba, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Israel, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador. The following Immigration Courts we have represented clients in: Memphis Immigration Court, Boston Immigration Court, New Orleans Immigration Court, Aurora Immigration Court, Los Angeles Immigration, Adelanto Immigration Court, Batavia Immigration Court, Otero Immigration Court, Atlanta Immigration Court, Stewart Immigration Court, Oakdale Immigration...

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Injured In A Car Wreck As A Passenger

Car Wreck as a Passenger

In Mississippi car wreck cases, an injured passenger has rights. In most cases, passengers of a vehicle are not at fault, and the amount of damages they can collect is not limited. A passenger has a valid claim against the driver of the car they were in during a car wreck. For example, a passenger who was injured in a single vehicle crash that was caused by the driver's negligence, such as speeding and losing control of the car, has the right to sue the driver for damages such as medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The driver...

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Slip And Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents in Mississippi are usually caused by dangerous and hazardous conditions one would encounter while on another persons property. While you might not know it, slip and fall accidents are one of the top causes of injuries in the United States. Sometimes injuries are minor. However, injuries can also be serious enough to cause permanent medical conditions and problems that last a lifetime. Back injuries, head injuries, neck injuries, and broken bones are all to common and may even lead to brain damage or paralysis. In addition to those physical injuries, they can cost thousands in medical bills,...

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Why You Should Never Settle With the Insurance Adjuster

Insurance Adjuster in Mississippi

Personal Injury cases in Mississippi are settled everyday with no lawyer involvement between an injured party and their assigned insurance adjuster. We see people quickly signing the insurance adjuster’s paperwork every day instead of getting free legal advice first before accepting a quick offer.   Some clients may be thinking that an Injury lawyer will take most of the money, or probably can’t get more for you after fees. Some clients don’t want to have to go to court, or have anxiety and are too nervous, or just don’t have time to be messing with Injury lawyers and the court system. Some...

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ICE Opens 3 New Detention Centers

CG Immigration Team Attorney, Marshall Goff was able to speak with reporter Noah Lanard from Mother Jones about ICE opening three new detention centers recently with money it has not been given even after Congress rejected the request for more detention money. One of these three detention centers are located in Adams County, MS – right before the entrance to Natchez, MS. This particular detention center was known for its 2012 riot, which left one guard dead and more than a dozen people injured. Although ICE has still not finalized its contract for the Adams County Prison, Marshall and the...

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