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Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts (Page 24)

Everyone Needs Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Mississippi law requires all drivers to maintain minimum liability insurance limits on the vehicles they drive.  This covers you if you are at fault and cause someone else to have a personal injury in a car accident or 18 wheeler wreck.  However, not everyone gets liability insurance as the law requires.  Roughly 25% of Mississippi drivers are uninsured. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident with someone who doesn’t have car insurance in Mississippi, you could be in for a major headache. You could be on the hook for your own medical bills and repair costs. You are...

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The Chhabra & Gibbs, P.A Intake Department

Intake at Chhabra & Gibbs - evaluation

Hospitals and clinics in Jackson, Mississippi are not the only place where an intake department is needed. Some law firms, such as Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., have intake specialists that handles all incoming potential client phone calls. If you call our office as a potential Mississippi Workers Compensation client from being injured on the job on land or offshore, potential Mississippi Personal Injury client from being injured in a car wreck, 18 wheeler wreck, motorcycle wreck, pedestrian accident, slip and fall premises injury, or a new potential client being impacted in any other area of law such as a...

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Summons by Publication in Mississippi


You may have seen legal notices in your local Mississippi newspaper before, but what happens when there is no newspaper in your Hinds, Rankin, Madison or other county area?  Where do you go to find legal notices when there is no newspaper?   There are different rules for different types of legal notices in the state of Mississippi. I will address the 2 most common legal notices below.   Sometimes a person is sued but they cannot be located to be personally served. For example, you have experienced a personal injury in Mississippi such as a slip and fall at a business or someone’s property...

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Congratulations to our Immigration Team

immigration team

We want to congratulate our Immigration legal team on getting a negative credible fear determination reversed. Our team worked tirelessly to fight for our client and got him the results he deserved. Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Immigration Team fights for each and every one of their clients for the resolution they need and deserve. If you have an immigration case and would like to meet with our experienced staff, contact us at (601) 948-8005 or at our 24-hour line at (601) 927-8430. Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Immigration Team offers an array of Immigration legal services for clients in the...

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Mental Stress Injury And Workers Comp?

Mental Stress

I think most of the working class in Hinds or Rankin County in Mississippi can admit that they usually feel some type of mental health stress at their job. You may wonder: How much stress is normal? How much should I tolerate? Is it affecting other areas in my life? Can stress lead to anxiety and depression? Can I file a workers' compensation claim in Mississippi for psychological issues? Emotional and mental stress injuries in a Mississippi workers compensation case can be more difficult to prove and sometimes harder to receive compensation for. The reason being is that it can be tricky to...

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“You don’t know what it’s like”

What it's like

“You don’t know what it’s like” I hear this all the time. You’re right. I do not know what it is like to be severely injured at work, what it is like to lose everything I own because I was hurt at work, not being able to get treatment because my employer and its insurance carrier won’t pay for it, not receiving a paycheck while I am off of work, and not being able to feed my family. But I will promise you this, it wears on my heart to know clients we represent are going through this. This is what I am here...

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Slip and Falls and Premises Liability

slip fall

Slip and falls are the second most likely cause of injury in America, but one of the most misunderstood. Whether it be work place injuries or premises liability at a place unrelated to your Mississippi work or business slip and falls are serious injuries and every measure should be taken to prevent them.   For a work related fall, the injured worker simply needs to prove they fell while on the job.   But for a claim where you fall at a business or someone else's property, it can be a lot more complicated.  For a premises liability claim, you would need to prove...

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Moms are Superheroes

Super Mom

Are you are a working mom? Do you have one or multiple children? Being a mom that works is hard especially when you have multiple children. Being a working mom in Mississippi doesn’t mean you’re made of money either. In fact, Mississippi is the 2nd lowest paid state. Daycare alone can take up a check without even thinking twice about it. What can you do? You have to be paid to work right? Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like it is worth having a job. I can all too well relate this. Being a mom is probably the most demanding job...

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What to do following a car accident?

car accident

Many times the clients we see are involved in a car accident for the very first time and have no idea what to do. Here some recommended tips:   Call the police. A police report can be helpful in proving your case. The police will come out and investigate the scene and make a preliminary determination on fault. Collect as much information as possible. This includes insurance information, VIN and license plate numbers. You should also collect the names, phone numbers and contact information of the other driver or any witnesses. Take photos. Be sure to use your phone or a...

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What is Uninsured Motorist coverage?


Most everyone knows what car insurance is.  You pay a monthly premium to an insurance company, and in exchange that company agrees under contract to pay for the loss that occurs when you are involved in a motor vehicle accident.  Mississippi law requires that licensed drivers maintain liability insurance, which provides coverage for the other car and/or driver when an accident is your fault.  The minimum liability insurance coverage legally required in Mississippi is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident for bodily injury.  But what happens if you are in a wreck that is not your fault, you are...

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