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Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts (Page 22)

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Ninth Circuit

Congratulations to Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Immigration Attorney Marshall J. Goff for recently obtaining his license to practice before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court. The United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is one of the 13 federal appellate courts in the United States. The court was established in 1891. It is the largest appellate court with 29 active judicial posts. The court is headquartered at the James R. Browning Federal Courthouse in San Francisco, California, but meets at locations throughout the 9th Circuit. Marshall was born in Jackson, Mississippi. He graduated from...

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Mississippi Fireworks Safety Tips

Firework Safety

Many people go to the emergency room every year with fireworks-related injuries on July the 4th in Mississippi. More than half of these injuries are burns, and roughly one-third of them are to the hands and fingers. Another nearly twenty percent of injuries are to the face, eyes and nose. Here are some fireworks safety tips in Mississippi to keep in mind for you and your loved ones when dealing with fireworks. Prevent fireworks injuries and death by following the firework safety tips below.:   Never allow young children to light fireworks or otherwise play with fireworks. Read the warning labels on...

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ICE Can Fix This Issue Today

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) is a sub-agency under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). ICE recently announced it is detaining 52,000 immigrants in jails and prisons around the United States. Congress has only appropriated funding to manage a daily average of around 45,000 beds until the end of September 2019. This discrepancy in the number of people in detention and the money allocated to appropriately detain them resulted in DHS taking funds away from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Coast Guard, among other agencies, and reallocating the funds to ICE’s detention efforts. ICE can...

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Workers’ Compensation Seminar

Amanda Fritz and Ray Gustavis Seminar

On June 3rd and 4th 2019, Associate Attorneys Amanda Fritz and Ray Gustavis will be conducting a “Workers Compensation A TO Z” seminar with the National Business Institute. Amanda Fritz will be presenting “Workers’ Compensation: Key Concepts and Issues”. She will be discussing state workers compensation laws, the responsibilities of employers and employees, statutes of limitations, and workers compensation fraud during this presentation. Amanda will also be presenting “Navigating Workers’ Compensation Processes, Procedures and Forms”. Ray Gustavis will be presenting “Calculating the Value of a Claim”. Ray will also be presenting “Strategies for Workers’ Compensation Hearings”. She will be discussing the tips...

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Criminal Justice Reform Act in Mississippi

Phil Bryant has signed the Criminal Justice Reform Act in Mississippi. The act takes effect on July 1, 2019, and includes numerous changes. Some of the changes include the addition of the term “intervention” courts, which will allow the expansion and usage of mental-health courts or courts geared explicitly to helping military veterans. The act also changes what criminal convictions are available for expungement in Mississippi. Under the new law of Criminal Justice Reform, more people will be eligible to apply to have their conviction expunged or cleared from public record. Those with certain convictions for violent crimes or sex crimes...

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Marriage Green Cards

Marriage Green Cards

It seems like everyone I know is getting married these days. Wedding bells are ringing for couples all across the United States. My wife and I even got in on the madness when we were married last year. The wedding planning, registering for showers, and picking out invitations is enough stress for anyone. Some couples have even more pressure added to their lives because one of the spouses is not a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) or United States Citizen. This little wrinkle should not add more stress for anyone who is planning a marriage or those who already tied the...

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Rogen K. Chhabra – Lawyer Of The Year 2019

lawyer of the year Rogen Chhabra

Congratulations to Rogen K. Chhabra who was named Mississippi College School of Law 2019 Lawyer of the Year, for outstanding lifetime achievement in the legal community. Rogen K. Chhabra was born in Seattle, Washington and raised in Meridian, Mississippi. He currently resides in Madison, Mississippi. Rogen attended Millsaps College and graduated Cum Laude in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. He then attended Mississippi College School of Law and graduated in 1998. During law school, Rogen was a member of the Law Review and recipient of the Frank Ming Deramus scholarship. Rogen is a litigator and has appeared before countless circuit...

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JUUL Teen Addiction And Nicotine Epidemic Lawsuits

Juul Lawsuits

Smoking e-cigarettes has greatly spiked in popularity in the past few years and it is negatively impacting the youth in United States of America. One of the most popular companies taking advantage of this is JUUL. JUUL has deceived smokers into believing that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative to quitting and also has deceived non-smokers, especially teenagers into believing that e-cigarettes are safe to use. The same time that users of this product are believing this information, they are also not being properly warned about the true dangers of nicotine addiction and related diseases. They must be held accountable. Just recently...

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Meeting with an Attorney in Mississippi – Amanda Fritz

Amanda Fritz Personal Injury Attorney

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVEdLYfID_U[/embed] Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Associate Attorney, Amanda G Fritz, addresses client concerns when meeting their attorney for the first time. Sometimes it is scary to think about meeting with an attorney and being involved in a lawsuit. My name is Amanda Fritz, and I work with Chhabra & Gibbs. We have a passion here to help injured workers and injured people in general. If you have been hurt on the job, or anywhere, call us today at 601-948-8005. We will be able to explain to you what your rights are and what you can expect in meeting with us and talking...

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3M Defective Military Earplugs

3M Defective Ear Plugs

Combat Arms Earplugs made by 3M allegedly have a dangerous design that can cause them to loosen while being worn. This defect can allow dangerous sounds to enter the ear canal and cause hearing damage, one of the largest ongoing medical problems facing soldiers today. From the year 2003 until 2015, thousands of military members used 3M’s Combat Arms Earplugs possibly leading to hearing loss or tinnitus. The ear plugs were designed to block out loud noises and combat sounds such as explosions, however there was a major design flaw that was discovered by a whistleblower in 2018. The design flaw...

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