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Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts (Page 16)

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Many migrant children enter our country unlawfully each year, some alone and some with a single parent.  Our government has created a pathway to status in the U.S. for these “unaccompanied” minors called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.  Depending on the state the child resides in, the guardian of the child can seek custody, guardianship, or the equivalent. Upon the granting of a State Order for Custody or Guardianship, the child will be eligible to file for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.  Once this status is granted the child is eligible for a green card as soon as a visa becomes available...

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Doctor Appointment Attendance is Important to an Injury Case

Attendance with your doctor

One of the best ways to ensure you get adequate and fair compensation for your injury in Mississippi is to make sure you receive medical treatment and do so in a timely manner. Documentation matters and attendance matters. The reasons that appointment attendance is important is that it can help paint a clearer picture about your injury, it may help speed up the process of your claim, and it may help you receive benefits if you are taken off of work by a doctor. On the contrary missed appointments can cause detrimental impact to your health or injury, can cause...

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Getting a Quick Response

Response by text

Technology has advanced at a rapid pace for decades. When injured on the job, or as result of a car accident or personal injury in Mississippi, look for a lawyer that can provide clients with fast communication and aggressive representation. Our firm uses a texting platform to expand our ways of reaching out to clients and to improve the client’s ability to reach us and get a quick response. This can speed up our communications with clients in 3 ways. 1. Quick response 24/7: Our incoming line for Chhabra and Gibbs, 601-948-8005 is now a call and text line. If you call...

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Is the Insurance Company Trying to Delay My Personal Injury Claim?

Delay insurance claim

The personal injury attorneys at Chhabra & Gibbs, PA have represented thousands of injured clients in Mississippi due to motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, work related injuries, and other types of injuries due to another party's negligence. We often see insurance adjusters that are assigned to an injury claim, using common delay tactics when evaluating the claim. Often, the insurance adjusters are simply overloaded with claims and then many claims are put on the back burner. Before an adjuster can start negotiating your claim, they more than likely have several superiors evaluating and making the final decisions. When your personal...

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How Can I Get the Most Money From my Car Wreck

Most Money for Car Wreck

How to get the most money from your car wreck in Mississippi, Louisiana, Colorado, Tennessee or Alabama? This might seem like a strange list of states to include in the question, but these are all the states where our personal injury lawyers are currently licensed and are able to help people with legal issues.   When it comes to a car wreck there are common things that drive the value and make it possible to get the most money.  They are listed here in no particular order of importance:   Fault - the easier the fault is to prove the more likely it...

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Assistance With a Positive Credible Fear Determination

Credible Fear Determination

Has your loved one been wasting away in a federal detention center while attempting to get a  positive credible fear determination?  Allow Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Immigration Team, to assist in helping secure a re-interview or a positive credible fear determination for your loved one.  As of June 30, 2020, the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. ruled that these interviews should be determined by a “significant possibility” standard instead of the old “reasonable fear” standard. CG Immigration Team of Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. offers an array of  legal services for clients in the Mississippi area such as adjustment of status, citizenship, green...

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Injury At Work Was Your Fault


Can you still receive Mississippi Workers' Compensation benefits if you got hurt at work and it was your fault? Even if you were at fault and caused the accident to happen that resulted in your injury, you can still make a workers’ compensation claim in Mississippi and receive benefits. This is possible because the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation system is a no-fault system. This means that if an employee is hurt at work, and those injuries arise out of and occur in the course of their employment, the injured worker is eligible to make a workers’ compensation claim. The system does not...

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Hurt at Work in Mississippi and Choosing Your Own Doctor

Choose Your Own Doctor

Can you choose your own doctor if you were hurt at work in Mississippi? Do you have to see the doctor that your job tells you to see? A worker is injured on the job every seven seconds.  This means 540 work injuries occur every hour (source, National Safety Council).  No one wants to get injured while they are at work, but the harsh reality is this:  work injuries are distressingly common.  So, what happens if you get injured and you need to see a doctor?  Do you have to see the company doctor your employer is telling you to see? ...

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Will the Insurance Company Pull My Offer If I Get An Attorney?

Offer from the insurance company

Will the insurance company pull the offer they have given you if you hire an attorney? No.  getting an experienced Mississippi Injury lawyer is far more likely to enhance the value of your case.  Our Mississippi personal injury attorneys have heard many times that adjusters will tell people that getting a lawyer will just end up getting the injured victim getting less money.  This is not true.  Experience has proven over and over again that a good lawyer brings bottom line value to your case.  If this were not true, we would go find some other way to actually help...

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Accident Report For My Injury Case in Mississippi?

Accident Report

If you are hurt at work in Mississippi, the employer will usually file a first report of injury with the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission. That accident report can be obtained from the Mississippi Workers Compensation Commission website. Experienced Mississippi workers compensation lawyers have the ability to get these online pretty quickly. If you were hurt in a private business and not on the job, it will be up to the business whether they want to make a report. If they do, it will be private. They can turn it over if they want, but many times they refuse. The only way...

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