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Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts (Page 10)

Can I get Lost Wages for the Time I’m Hurt?

lost wages

The number one question I’m asked as a workers’ compensation attorney is “can I get my lost wages for the time I missed from work?” The short answer is yes. Mississippi’s legislature created part of our statute to help injured workers replace their wages after they get hurt and miss work. These wage loss benefits are what an injured worker is entitled to while they are under the care of a doctor. These benefits are commonly known as “temporary total disability” benefits or “TTD” for short. The TTD benefits mentioned above are not paid at the injured workers full wages. Rather,...

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Common Causes of Car Wrecks

Common causes of car wrecks

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in 2020 Mississippi had over 700 deaths due to car crashes. This number has continued to rise over the years and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. With the large number of crashes on the roads in Mississippi, it makes us wonder what are the common causes of car wrecks? Distracted Driving While many of the new features in cars and on phones today try to prevent distracted driving it still seems to be a problem for many drivers. Trying to focus on anything other than driving causes danger for...

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Oil Tank Explosion in Madison County Injures 6 People

Oil Tank Explosion

Early Friday morning WAPT reports of a large oil tank explosion near Kearney Park in Madison County. Officials say the explosion happened around 8 A.M. severely injuring 2 with burns on 50% of their body and sending 4 others to the hospital with injuries. It is still not clear as to what caused the explosion, but fire crews are staying on seen during the investigation. This particular accident raises some issues that many people don’t know much about. The only remedy against the employer is workers compensation. However, if someone besides the employer was at fault, the workers can file a...

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Tips to Avoid Bicycle Injuries

bicycle injuries

According to the CDC bicyclists attest for nearly 1,000 deaths and 130,000 injuries every year on roads in the United States. This number seems pretty high for an activity that seems to be so leisurely as biking. While most bicycle related deaths occur for people 55 and older, one third of the injuries are from those ages 10-24. Bicycle accidents can occur to anyone no matter their age but knowing how to avoid injury or death while riding a bike is crucial. The following are 7 tips to avoid bicycle injuries. Wear a Helmet Wearing a helmet while biking is one...

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Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys awarded by the Mississippi Association for Justice

Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys Awarded

Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys awarded by the Mississippi Association for Justice were Rogen Chhabra and Ray Gustavis at the 2022 annual trial lawyers conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Association awarded Rogen with the Beyond the Call Trial Lawyer Emeritus award for his dogged passion in working with the organization to pursue justice for all Mississippians in the Mississippi Legislature. Ray was awarded the Legacy of Leadership award and the New Lawyer of the Year Award. Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. represents people in car wrecks, 18-wheeler crashes, work injuries, offshore injuries, disability claims, and many other injury claims in state, federal,...

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Log Truck Collision Kills 3 People

log truck

Monday afternoon MHP responded to a log truck crash in Copiah County that killed 3 people. The log truck was travelling East on highway 28 when it collided with a Lexus. As a result of the log truck collision, both the driver of the log truck and the two occupants of the Lexus died. The vehicle crash is still under investigation, but more information can be seen at wjtv.com. Mississippi has a large logging industry so unfortunately a log truck collision isn’t uncommon. Lately there has been many accidents on the road and when it comes to wrecks with large trucks...

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18-Wheeler Wreck Kills 3 on I-59

18-wheeler wreck kills 3

WLBT reports of a deadly crash on I-59 Saturday afternoon involving an 18-wheeler and another vehicle. Mississippi Highway Patrol reports the 18-wheeler wreck kills 3 of the people in the passenger vehicle and injured 2 others including the driver of the semi-truck. This deadly accident occurred around 3:30 P.M. Saturday afternoon in Heidelberg, MS. Lately we are hearing more and more about these deadly accidents on our Mississippi highways. A majority of the deadly wrecks are involving an 18-wheeler, which according to policyadvice.net is the result of 74% of fatal car crashes. It is important to stay alert and cautious when...

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Driver Traveling Wrong Way Kills 2 People on I-55

driver going the wrong way kills 2 people

Reports of a deadly crash on I-55 in Jackson after a driver traveling the wrong way kills 2 people and injured others late Friday afternoon. Officials say the driver was traveling South in the Northbound Lane when the deadly crash occurred. Full details are still unclear but WLBT is covering the story. Driving to get food, go shopping, or leaving work can be an enjoyable time to relax and enjoy the peacefulness. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case especially when traveling busy highways like I-55 which stretches from Northern Illinois to South Louisiana. The amount of people using major highways like...

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When is it ok for police to chase?

police chase

When is it ok for police to chase, and can they be liable if someone is killed in the process? Recently, Police officers with the City of Pearl, Mississippi pulled a suspect over for a traffic stop.  The suspect made the decision to flee, and the officers chased him until he crashed into and killed a postal worker. Was this chase legal?  Probably not.  The Pearl Mayor conducted a press conference where he vehemently defended the actions of the police officers.  But when he was asked the questions that determine whether the chase was legal or not, he refused to answer...

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Dangerous Semi-Truck Crash on I-55

dangerous semi-truck crash

WAPT News reports of a dangerous semi-truck crash occurred on I-55 this morning, July 21st in Canton, MS near the Nissan plant involving a semi-truck and multiple vehicles. It is still a developing story, so we are not sure of the injuries yet. This semi-truck crash is one of many that can be seen on I-55 on a daily basis, as this stretch of highway goes from Northern Illinois to South Louisiana. Even with all the new technology we have today the transportation of goods is primarily still done by 18-wheelers throughout the U.S. Unfortunately, many times when there are crashes involving...

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