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Workers Compensation

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Workers Compensation (Page 5)

How Long is Too Long To Wait To Get Medical Treatment After Injury

Medical Treatment

How long is too long to wait to get medical treatment if you are in an injury?   When people have a fall at work or at a business, their first thought is often embarrassment, and their first feeling is often pain.  But in many cases it is hard to tell whether the pain is just a temporary soreness that does not require medical treatment, or something more serious.  There is no way to know for sure without seeing a doctor.  Some people are too stubborn to go to the doctor for medical treatment in Mississippi unless they absolutely have to and...

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Top Questions To Ask During Your Free Consultation

Free Consultation Top Questions

Sometimes clients forget to ask questions to the attorney during their free consultation due to the fact the attorney is generally asking many of the questions during the meeting. We have come up with a list of top questions to ask during your free consultation when sitting in front of your attorney. How long have you been practicing law?  At Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., our firm currently has 10 lawyers with a combined 60+ years of experience. How many cases similar to mine have you handled before and what type of cases do you handle? We have handled many...

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Injured On The Job In Mississippi?

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Wh4BiqJak[/embed] When you’re injured on the job in Mississippi, Mississippi workers comp laws state that your employer should pay your lost salary and medical bills. Employers carry workers’ compensation insurance to pay these claims, and when you have an accident at work, your employer submits your claim to the insurer. If the insurer refuses to pay your workers compensation claim, you might choose to pursue legal action against the insurer. Workers compensation injuries include: construction site injuries, slip and falls while at work, injuries caused by poorly-maintained equipment, exposure to harmful chemicals or other accidents that occur while you’re on the...

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Contacting a Mississippi Personal Injury Attorney

Contacting a Mississippi Personal Injury Attorney

Many people wonder if they need to contact a Jackson, Mississippi personal injury lawyer for their personal injury case in Mississippi. There isn’t always a yes or no answer to this, because it really depends on the facts of the case. At Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., we meet with people as part of a free, confidential consultation. There are never any hidden fees and there are no strings attached to the process. If our personal injury attorneys feel that you need an attorney for your case, we will let you know, just like if we didn’t feel that you...

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Workers’ Comp During Job Traveling

Workers' Compensation While Traveling

Many times we have clients wanting to know if they can get Workers’ Compensation in Mississippi if they are injured while traveling to and from their job. There is not a complete yes or no to that question. The general rule is that coming and going to work is not a compensable Workers’ Compensation injury in Mississippi. However, the Mississippi Supreme Court has established exceptions to that rule. For example, if you drive a company car, are reimbursed for transportation, or if you do some of your work at home, you may have a compensable injury if you are in a car...

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Workers’ Compensation Seminar

Amanda Fritz and Ray Gustavis Seminar

On June 3rd and 4th 2019, Associate Attorneys Amanda Fritz and Ray Gustavis will be conducting a “Workers Compensation A TO Z” seminar with the National Business Institute. Amanda Fritz will be presenting “Workers’ Compensation: Key Concepts and Issues”. She will be discussing state workers compensation laws, the responsibilities of employers and employees, statutes of limitations, and workers compensation fraud during this presentation. Amanda will also be presenting “Navigating Workers’ Compensation Processes, Procedures and Forms”. Ray Gustavis will be presenting “Calculating the Value of a Claim”. Ray will also be presenting “Strategies for Workers’ Compensation Hearings”. She will be discussing the tips...

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Don’t Apply For SSD During Your Mississippi Workers Comp

Apply Social Security Disability Workers Comp

Do not apply for Social Security Disability when you are in the middle of a Mississippi Worker’s compensation case In 20 years of practicing injury law in Mississippi, I have seen thousands of workers’ compensation cases come through our doors here at Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A.  There is a common theme to these cases:  whether you are from Jackson, Gulfport, Meridian, Port Gibson, Grenada, Tupelo, the delta or the gulf coast, when you get hurt on the job in Mississippi you are going to suffer financially.  Unfortunately, our political climate is often driven by money from big corporations which causes...

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Do lawyers really act like Saul?

Saul - Better Call Saul

Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul have become pop culture phenomenon’s on Netflix.  One of the characters is the sleazy money hungry lawyer called Saul.  He wears the car salesman suit and fits the obnoxious mold that we expect attorneys to have.  He even has this endearing side and line of ethics that he will not cross, although he always tries to figure out a way to get what he wants without getting himself in trouble.   As a lawyer, I can appreciate why people have stereotyped us, and why the show portrays Saul that way.  The purpose of this blog is...

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The Chhabra & Gibbs, P.A Intake Department

Intake at Chhabra & Gibbs - evaluation

Hospitals and clinics in Jackson, Mississippi are not the only place where an intake department is needed. Some law firms, such as Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., have intake specialists that handles all incoming potential client phone calls. If you call our office as a potential Mississippi Workers Compensation client from being injured on the job on land or offshore, potential Mississippi Personal Injury client from being injured in a car wreck, 18 wheeler wreck, motorcycle wreck, pedestrian accident, slip and fall premises injury, or a new potential client being impacted in any other area of law such as a...

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