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Helpful Information

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Helpful Information

Alert – Do Not Fall Victim To A Scam

scam alert

It has come to our attention that a person going by the name of Raúl Fernando Castillo is pretending to be a lawyer for our law firm. This person has never worked for Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. or our Immigration team. If you are contacted by anyone named Raúl Fernando Castillo, his intent is to scam you into paying him for legal services with falsified documents. Please do not fall victim to this scam. If you need legal immigration services, our attorney, Angela Trehan is here to assist you. You can message us on our official Facebook page, our...

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Getting Help With Your Injury Case

Help with your personal injury case

When people call a Mississippi personal injury firm, they are often in the worst circumstances they can imagine. They are living on nothing or less than what they are used to, they are in pain, and they are often frustrated. It is important for a law firm to have experience with handling personal injury cases, but the people that work in an injury firm should also show compassion with what you are dealing with. At Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. that first chance at getting some compassion starts with our team of intake specialists. We are here to help with...

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How Much Money Will I Get After My Personal Injury Settlement?


My lawyer settled my personal injury case, how do I know how much money I will get in my pocket? After your personal injury case has settled, your attorney and paralegal will provide you with a detailed disbursement statement for you to review that will show the agreed settlement, all attorney’s fees and liens (if any) associated with your personal injury case. Your attorney/paralegal will ask you to provide the necessary medical records, accident reports and any other documents related to your claim. This will help to keep your expenses to a minimum. If it is necessary for Chhabra, Gibbs &...

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How Does Bankruptcy Affect my Injury Case in Mississippi?

Bankruptcy in Mississippi

How does bankruptcy affect my Mississippi injury case? First, failure to disclose bankruptcy in your injury case can kill your injury case dead.  The problem is failing to disclose requires you to lie.  Lying kills a case.  Here’s how it happens:  You file a personal injury case, but you don’t tell your bankruptcy attorney about it.  You bankruptcy attorney files a list of all your assets but fails to include your pending injury case.  You have to sign that bankruptcy filing under oath.  The insurance company in your injury case finds out about it and requests that your injury case be...

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Statute of Limitations on a Personal Injury Claim in Mississippi

Statute of Limitations in Mississippi Personal Injury

Many times clients ask what their time limits or statute of limitations are on their Mississippi personal injury claim. The answer we usually give is that it depends on the nature of the claim itself. Most limitation periods in Mississippi range from 1 year to 3 years.  Your case has a limited time in which to take legal action or it is barred. Statues of limitations also vary from state to state. Most personal injury claims are subject to Mississippi’s general three (3) year statute of limitations. Miss. Code Ann. 15-1-49. This includes car wrecks and 18 wheeler accidents, slip and...

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Getting a Quick Response

Response by text

Technology has advanced at a rapid pace for decades. When injured on the job, or as result of a car accident or personal injury in Mississippi, look for a lawyer that can provide clients with fast communication and aggressive representation. Our firm uses a texting platform to expand our ways of reaching out to clients and to improve the client’s ability to reach us and get a quick response. This can speed up our communications with clients in 3 ways. 1. Quick response 24/7: Our incoming line for Chhabra and Gibbs, 601-948-8005 is now a call and text line. If you call...

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Recent Presidential Proclamation

Presidential Proclamation

Recently this month, the presidential proclamation (recently issued on June 22, 2020 (#10014) which continued the proclamation issued on April 22, 2020 suspending entry of certain nonimmigrants) was suspended in part due to a preliminary injunction ordered by the district court in five consolidated cases, including Gomez, et al., v. Trump, et al.  This injunction brings relief to the many diversity lottery winners who had previously been refused processing of their visa applications. Now these diversity lottery visa winners will be able to obtain their visas and come to the United States immediately.  Diversity visa selectees should immediately contact their...

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Your Rights and Covid-19 Related Travel Cancellations

Covid-19 Related Travel Cancellations

As the Coronavirus continues to spread, many companies, such as airlines, are having Covid-19 related travel cancellations that customers have already purchased tickets for. Some consumers are not being offered a refund. Instead, airlines and other travel companies are forcing consumers to accept vouchers that can only be used with that specific airline and expire within a short period of time. Given the uncertainty surrounding the global pandemic, refusing refunds and instead requiring customers to travel within a short period of time when it still may not be safe to travel or lose out on their entire purchase amounts to a breach of the contract...

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Why You Should Never Just Settle With Your Insurance Company

Insurance Company Signing

Many Workers Compensation and Personal Injury cases in Mississippi are settled everyday with no attorney involvement between an injured person and an insurance company adjuster. It makes us cringe to know how easy it is to get good advice from a very skilled and experienced Injury lawyer before signing on that dotted line, yet still people just want to get it over with as quick as possible. Usually it is because you may be thinking an injury attorney will take most of the money or an injury attorney probably cannot get more money for you after fees. You also may be...

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How Long is Too Long To Wait To Get Medical Treatment After Injury

Medical Treatment

How long is too long to wait to get medical treatment if you are in an injury?   When people have a fall at work or at a business, their first thought is often embarrassment, and their first feeling is often pain.  But in many cases it is hard to tell whether the pain is just a temporary soreness that does not require medical treatment, or something more serious.  There is no way to know for sure without seeing a doctor.  Some people are too stubborn to go to the doctor for medical treatment in Mississippi unless they absolutely have to and...

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