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Personal Injury Tag

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Posts tagged "Personal Injury" (Page 3)

Child in Critical Condition after Falling into Byram Daycare Pool

Child in Critical Condition after Falling into Byram Daycare Pool

A one-year-old child is in critical condition after falling into a Byram daycare pool Friday afternoon. The incident happened at Little Blessings from Heaven in Byram where Police say the pool was in place from a previous business in that building. The child was taken to Children’s of Mississippi for treatment. The Mississippi Department of Health has temporarily closed the facility as it is still under investigation. Unfortunately, many children are injured or killed everyday due to the negligence of others. Whether that be from parents, daycare employees, or other workers who may be around children. It is important to understand...

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Slip and Fall in a Restaurant or Bar

slip and fall in a restaurant or bar

A slip and fall in a restaurant or bar can you leave you in agonizing pain with lifelong injuries. It’s no surprise that 6.8 million people visit the emergency room for fall related injuries. It’s important to understand who should be held in a situation like this and how to file a slip and fall claim. Who is Responsible: Typically, the property owner would be responsible in a slip and fall case. The important thing to know is that you must be able to prove negligence in this case that the owner or manger knew of the dangerous situation and failed...

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Can I get Lost Wages for the Time I’m Hurt?

lost wages

The number one question I’m asked as a workers’ compensation attorney is “can I get my lost wages for the time I missed from work?” The short answer is yes. Mississippi’s legislature created part of our statute to help injured workers replace their wages after they get hurt and miss work. These wage loss benefits are what an injured worker is entitled to while they are under the care of a doctor. These benefits are commonly known as “temporary total disability” benefits or “TTD” for short. The TTD benefits mentioned above are not paid at the injured workers full wages. Rather,...

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Oil Tank Explosion in Madison County Injures 6 People

Oil Tank Explosion

Early Friday morning WAPT reports of a large oil tank explosion near Kearney Park in Madison County. Officials say the explosion happened around 8 A.M. severely injuring 2 with burns on 50% of their body and sending 4 others to the hospital with injuries. It is still not clear as to what caused the explosion, but fire crews are staying on seen during the investigation. This particular accident raises some issues that many people don’t know much about. The only remedy against the employer is workers compensation. However, if someone besides the employer was at fault, the workers can file a...

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Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys awarded by the Mississippi Association for Justice

Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys Awarded

Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys awarded by the Mississippi Association for Justice were Rogen Chhabra and Ray Gustavis at the 2022 annual trial lawyers conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Association awarded Rogen with the Beyond the Call Trial Lawyer Emeritus award for his dogged passion in working with the organization to pursue justice for all Mississippians in the Mississippi Legislature. Ray was awarded the Legacy of Leadership award and the New Lawyer of the Year Award. Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. represents people in car wrecks, 18-wheeler crashes, work injuries, offshore injuries, disability claims, and many other injury claims in state, federal,...

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Am I entitled to recovery of lost wages in a personal injury case?

Lost wages

Absolutely.  If you miss work due to an injury resulting from a car wreck, slip and fall or other types of personal injury, you can seek recovery for your lost wages in your personal injury case. In order to do so, you simply need to notify your lawyer of the time you missed from work and your lawyer will tell you what documents to provide. You will likely need to send your attorney something like a pay stub showing your rate of pay. You or your attorney will then contact your employer to send a letter showing exactly how much work...

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Getting Help With Your Injury Case

Help with your personal injury case

When people call a Mississippi personal injury firm, they are often in the worst circumstances they can imagine. They are living on nothing or less than what they are used to, they are in pain, and they are often frustrated. It is important for a law firm to have experience with handling personal injury cases, but the people that work in an injury firm should also show compassion with what you are dealing with. At Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. that first chance at getting some compassion starts with our team of intake specialists. We are here to help with...

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How Much Money Will I Get After My Personal Injury Settlement?


My lawyer settled my personal injury case, how do I know how much money I will get in my pocket? After your personal injury case has settled, your attorney and paralegal will provide you with a detailed disbursement statement for you to review that will show the agreed settlement, all attorney’s fees and liens (if any) associated with your personal injury case. Your attorney/paralegal will ask you to provide the necessary medical records, accident reports and any other documents related to your claim. This will help to keep your expenses to a minimum. If it is necessary for Chhabra, Gibbs &...

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How Does Bankruptcy Affect my Injury Case in Mississippi?

Bankruptcy in Mississippi

How does bankruptcy affect my Mississippi injury case? First, failure to disclose bankruptcy in your injury case can kill your injury case dead.  The problem is failing to disclose requires you to lie.  Lying kills a case.  Here’s how it happens:  You file a personal injury case, but you don’t tell your bankruptcy attorney about it.  You bankruptcy attorney files a list of all your assets but fails to include your pending injury case.  You have to sign that bankruptcy filing under oath.  The insurance company in your injury case finds out about it and requests that your injury case be...

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Statute of Limitations on a Personal Injury Claim in Mississippi

Statute of Limitations in Mississippi Personal Injury

Many times clients ask what their time limits or statute of limitations are on their Mississippi personal injury claim. The answer we usually give is that it depends on the nature of the claim itself. Most limitation periods in Mississippi range from 1 year to 3 years.  Your case has a limited time in which to take legal action or it is barred. Statues of limitations also vary from state to state. Most personal injury claims are subject to Mississippi’s general three (3) year statute of limitations. Miss. Code Ann. 15-1-49. This includes car wrecks and 18 wheeler accidents, slip and...

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