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Workers Compensation

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Workers Compensation (Page 4)

Accident Report For My Injury Case in Mississippi?

Accident Report

If you are hurt at work in Mississippi, the employer will usually file a first report of injury with the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission. That accident report can be obtained from the Mississippi Workers Compensation Commission website. Experienced Mississippi workers compensation lawyers have the ability to get these online pretty quickly. If you were hurt in a private business and not on the job, it will be up to the business whether they want to make a report. If they do, it will be private. They can turn it over if they want, but many times they refuse. The only way...

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Repetitive Motion Injury Workers’ Compensation Claim in Mississippi

Repetitive Motion Injury

My work injury isn’t based on a single accident – can I still make a workers’ comp claim in Mississippi? In Mississippi, a work injury from more than one accidents is known as a repetitive motion injury, and injured workers can receive benefits even if their injury isn’t the result of a single accident. Often we see this in the context of someone working in a factory or on an assembly line. The injured worker’s job might require them to do the same thing over and over again for several hours a day (repetitive motion). The cumulative effect of these repetitive...

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Healthcare Worker Rights When Hurt by a Patient in Mississippi

Hurt by patient

What types of rights do healthcare workers have in Mississippi if they get hurt by a patient? Mississippi law provides workers compensation benefits for people who get hurt at work regardless of the cause.  There are a few requirements that have to be met.  For example, the employer must have 5 or more employees in order for the workers compensation coverage mandate to apply.  The employee also must not have been engaged in horseplay at the time of the injury.  But fault is otherwise not an issue. Healthcare workers get attacked by patients more frequently than one might expect.  While the worker...

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Lost Wages Recovery After Car Accident?

Lost Wages from Car Accident

Can I recover my lost wages in Mississippi after my car accident caused me to miss work? The answer depends on what happened.  If you were not at work yet, or were at fault, or if no one was at fault, then you may not have a claim.  But if someone else was at fault, you can make a claim against their insurance policy or against your uninsured motorist benefits.  In Mississippi, lost wages would be an available remedy. The focus of this blog is for non work related injuries in Mississippi that are caused by the fault of someone else. Should...

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Should I File a Claim Even If I Failed My Employer’s Drug Screen?

Drug Screen and Work Injury

"Should I file a claim even if I failed my employer’s drug screen?" "Can my employer really fire me?" Yes you should file a workers compensation claim in Mississippi even if you failed your employer's drug screen and yes they can also really fire you. An employer in Mississippi has the legal right to contemporaneously drug test an injured employee after an injury sustained on the job, and also has the legal right to terminate an employee that fails that drug test. This does not mean an injured worker who fails a drug screen is not entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits in Mississippi,...

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Travel Expenses for Medical Treatment in Mississippi

Travel Expenses for Medical Treatment

In Mississippi, employers are responsible for covering travel expenses, such as gas, for injured workers to get to and from medical treatment. Rather than cover the mileage associated with the travel, some employers will arrange for transportation for the Employee to be taken to and from their appointment. Either way, injured workers need to realize that they do not have to shoulder the burden of getting to and from their appointments alone. There is no minimum distance that must be traveled for an employer to be forced to pay for travel expenses. The Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission establishes a mileage rate...

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Teleworking & Workers’ Compensation in Mississippi – Am I Covered?

Teleworking and Workers' Compensation in Mississippi

Many businesses across the United States implemented teleworking before the COVID-19 global pandemic began. The 2019 National Compensation Survey recently found that only 7% of civilian workers in the United States have the option to telework. Now nearly all types of businesses are coming to grips with the reality that their employees could be forced to socially distance and work from home for the foreseeable future. People everywhere are converting kitchen tables, bedrooms, and areas of the home into makeshift workstations to make ends meet. The overlap between work and home begs the question of whether an employee injured while...

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Employers Provide Workers’ Compensation Coverage in Mississippi?

Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Do employers have to provide workers' compensation coverage in Mississippi? According to statistics provided by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, the annual average of employed Mississippi residents is over 1.1 million people. These employees work across a broad spectrum of industries and provide valuable services to our State. When one of these employees gets hurt at work, the first question that often comes up is whether or not their employer has workers’ compensation coverage insurance. The Mississippi Legislature included specific language in the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Act that requires compensation coverage if an employer “has in service five or...

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Why You Should Never Just Settle With Your Insurance Company

Insurance Company Signing

Many Workers Compensation and Personal Injury cases in Mississippi are settled everyday with no attorney involvement between an injured person and an insurance company adjuster. It makes us cringe to know how easy it is to get good advice from a very skilled and experienced Injury lawyer before signing on that dotted line, yet still people just want to get it over with as quick as possible. Usually it is because you may be thinking an injury attorney will take most of the money or an injury attorney probably cannot get more money for you after fees. You also may be...

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Fired for Quarantining? Coronavirus and My Job

Coronavirus - Covid-19

As Congress passes stimulus bills to prop up our declining economy due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), many employees are nervous about how the virus may affect their job status. Given the shutdown affect the virus will have on businesses and events in Mississippi and the nation, it is fair to assume that layoffs and downsizing will happen soon. Some employees may quarantine themselves and live in isolation because they have COVID-19 or have come into contact with someone who does. Some employers may be angry their employees are forced to quarantine and decide to fire their employees for isolating themselves. The...

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