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Social Security Disability – SSD

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Social Security Disability – SSD

Social Security Administration: Fair Benefit Approval

In a press release dated June 24, 2024*, the Social Security Administration has announced plans to eliminate a large number of outdated occupations that have been used in the past to support finding a person can do work. This change is, admittedly, late in the game given the entity that created the Dictionary of Occupational Titles – the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) – abandoned its use in favor of an updated and searchable website called O*Net in the 1990’s**. In order to qualify for Social Security benefits, applicants (especially those under the age of 55) must show they are unable...

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What kind of evidence is used for my SSD claim?

evidence used for my SSD claim

In order to be found disabled by Social Security, you must have a disability that has lasted, or is expected to last, for a period of at least 12 months and causes you not to be able to work at a substantial gainful activity level (which, for 2023, means earning $1,470.00 per month). So, you may be wondering, what kind of evidence is used for my SSD claim?   While Social Security will consider your statements about your physical or mental issues, they will mainly rely on your medical records in order to determine whether you have a disability that keeps you...

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How long do I have to make a claim for social security disability benefits?

Claim for social security disability benefits

There are 2 types of disability benefits that you can apply for through the Social Security Administration. The first type is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and the second is Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) benefits. I will discuss each type below and the deadlines to apply for those benefits. SSDI benefits are for individuals who have earned enough work credits due to paying into Social Security through their employment. These individuals have what is known as a date last insured from Social Security, which is determined by the Social Security Administration based on their work history. In order to be...

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What is considered a disability to qualify for Social Security disability benefits?

What is considered a disability to qualify for Social Security disability benefits?

There are many different illnesses and conditions that can lead you to qualify to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. Some illnesses or conditions may automatically qualify you for benefits and other illnesses or conditions may produce symptoms that can get you qualified for social security disability benefits due to the restrictions you have from those illnesses or conditions. You may be asking yourself, what is considered a disability to qualify for Social Security disability benefits? The illness or condition can be physical or mental or it can be a combination of both. Some of the most commonly approved...

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Can I still work if I receive Social Security Disability benefits?

Social Security Disability Benefits

Yes. You can still work even if you have been found disabled by Social Security and still receive your Social Security disability benefits. However, there is a cap on how much you can earn and still be eligible to receive your disability benefits. For 2022, you can earn $1,350 per month ($2,260 if you are blind) and still be eligible to receive your disability benefits. Social Security considers this level of earning substantial gainful activity (SGA). This amount is adjusted by Social Security annually. You should keep in mind that the Social Security Administration can bring your disability case up for...

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How long does it take to get a hearing date for Social Security or family law matters?

Social Security or Family Law

I have clients ask me all the time, when will my hearing be or how long will it take to get a hearing date? When it comes to Social Security or family law matters, the answer is…it depends.   All courts have different ways of setting hearings. Some counties have more judges than other counties have. Some courts have more cases than other courts have. Some judges only set hearings on certain days of the week. Some courts have more court reporters available for hearings that have to be on the record than other courts do. When there is more than one...

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Do you Qualify for Social Security Disability and How to Apply for it?

Social Security Disability

If you believe you are disabled, and not capable of working for a period of at least 12 months, then you are eligible to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. To apply for disability benefits, you can either apply online at ssa.gov or you can call in the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213. You may also apply in person at your local Social Security office. What Information Do I Need in Order to Apply for Social Security Disability? To apply for Social Security Disability benefits you will need to be prepared to answer questions regarding the following topics: • Basic information about you (name,...

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Found Disabled by Social Security in Mississippi If I Can Work Part-Time?

Disabled by Social Security in Mississippi

Yes.  In order to be found disabled by Social Security in Mississippi, you must meet the physical or mental requirements for disability as well as be incapable of performing work at the substantial gainful activity level (SGA). For 2021, the SGA level is $1,310 per month. This means that you can earn under $1,310 per month and be capable of being found disabled by Social Security if you meet the physical or mental requirements for disability. You must be found by Social Security to not be physically or mentally capable of earning more than $1,310 per month. In other words,...

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Don’t Apply For SSD During Your Mississippi Workers Comp

Apply Social Security Disability Workers Comp

Do not apply for Social Security Disability when you are in the middle of a Mississippi Worker’s compensation case In 20 years of practicing injury law in Mississippi, I have seen thousands of workers’ compensation cases come through our doors here at Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A.  There is a common theme to these cases:  whether you are from Jackson, Gulfport, Meridian, Port Gibson, Grenada, Tupelo, the delta or the gulf coast, when you get hurt on the job in Mississippi you are going to suffer financially.  Unfortunately, our political climate is often driven by money from big corporations which causes...

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Summons by Publication in Mississippi


You may have seen legal notices in your local Mississippi newspaper before, but what happens when there is no newspaper in your Hinds, Rankin, Madison or other county area?  Where do you go to find legal notices when there is no newspaper?   There are different rules for different types of legal notices in the state of Mississippi. I will address the 2 most common legal notices below.   Sometimes a person is sued but they cannot be located to be personally served. For example, you have experienced a personal injury in Mississippi such as a slip and fall at a business or someone’s property...

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