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Rogen K. Chhabra Tag

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Posts tagged "Rogen K. Chhabra" (Page 5)

Is the Nurse Case Manager Allowed in My Doctors Visit

Nurse Case Manager

In many workers compensation cases, the insurance company (who is not on your side) will hire a nurse case manager to be involved in management of your medical treatment.  Most nurse case managers are nice, compassionate, caring and will make an injured person feel good.  But one has to ask: are they on the side of the patient or on the side of the insurance company that is paying them?  A nurse case manager may be handy in scheduling appointments and keeping information flowing, but what happens when they meet with the doctor in private?  Are they trying to maximize...

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Congratulations Rogen K. Chhabra

Bar Foundation Rogen Chhabra

A big Congratulations goes out to our very own Rogen K. Chhabra for being the recent recipient of the Law-Related Public Education Award for 2015 by the Mississippi Bar Foundation. Rogen Chhabra attended Millsaps College and graduated Cum Laude in 1995 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Mathematics. He then attended Mississippi College School of Law and graduated in 1998 with a J.D. During law school, Mr. Chhabra was a member of the Law Review and recipient of the Frank Ming Deramus scholarship. He became a member of the Mississippi Bar Association in 1998. Rogen Chhabra has been admitted to practice law...

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IB Member Spotlight: Rogen Chhabra

IB Member

Rogen Chhabra was featured in today's ‪#‎IBMemberSpotlight‬. Way to go Rogen! The Injury Board is an association of experienced trial attorneys practicing throughout the entire United States and the United Kingdom. The Injury Board recruit their member attorneys based on their proven commitment to the four key areas we believe define the best of our profession — Relationships, Leadership,Community and Results. Click to go to the article.   Rogen Chhabra attended Millsaps College and graduated Cum Laude in 1995 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Mathematics. He then attended Mississippi College School of Law and graduated in 1998 with a J.D. During law school, Mr. Chhabra was a...

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How To Prep For Workers Compensation


The reality tv show “Doomsday Preppers” is about families who are preparing for the end of the world.  Everyday ordinary people who believe that life as we know it will end due to earthquakes, nuclear war or cyber-warfare, or some other disaster.  What’s remarkable is that the preppers are prepared for catastrophes that may or may not ever happen. We can learn from the preppers.  Maybe we don’t need to prepare for global earthquakes, but the way preppers know exactly what to do in moments of crisis is something positive we can all apply in our own lives. At Chhabra and Gibbs,...

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I’m hurt but I want to Keep my Job

keep job

Unfortunately, many people who decide to hire a lawyer in a workers’ compensation case wait until something bad happens.  Quite often, people wait until they are terminated before seeking a free consultation.  This is a big mistake.  Unfortunately, in Mississippi, you cannot sue your employer for wrongful termination that arose out of a workers’ compensation claim.  There is some good news though.  If you get fired after a workers’ compensation injury, it provides you with valuable evidence to help make your claim for permanent disability but there are certain things that you must do to establish this claim effectively.  You...

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Can I choose my Own Doctor?

Physician Doctor

Yes, but hurry.  The recent change to the Workers’ Compensation Act takes away the right to choose your own doctor if you treat with the company choice for more than 6 months or if you have a surgery. Many times when people are hurt on the job, they are sent to the company doctor.  What people don’t realize is that they are entitled by law to choose their own physician and the company has to pay for it.  Companies will often ask you to sign a form saying that you accept the company doctor as your choice.  Signing this form is...

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How many weeks am I entitled to be paid if I get hurt at work?

Hurt on the job contractor

There are two types of disability payments, temporary and permanent.  The law allows up to 450 weeks of payments total up to the state maximum for the year of the injury.  The maximum for an injury occurring in 2013 is $202,104.  The benefits generally start as weekly or bi-weekly checks until the temporary period ends and the permanent period begins.  The change from temporary to permanent usually occurs when a person reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).  This is normally determined by the treating physician when they feel that treatment has reached a plateau (unfortunately this does not always mean complete healing...

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Workers’ Compensation benefits. How Long and How Much?


You are entitled to medical benefits immediately in Mississippi.  If you miss more than 5 days of work then you are also entitled to compensation benefits while you are off work.  You will generally be entitled to 2/3rds of your average weekly wage up to the state maximum for that year. The state maximum for an injury occurring in 2013 is $449.12.   Figuring out your average weekly wage is not always an exact science but it should be fair to the worker.  It includes wages, overtime, mileage, per diem’s, housing or any other form of compensation averaged over the previous...

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Hurt at Work and Company Doctor is Not Helping

helping laws

What do I do if I am hurt and the company doctor is not helping? First, you have a right to a choice of physician if you have not already made one, unless you treated with the company choice for more than 6 months or had a surgery.  Miss. Code Ann. § 71-3-15 requires an employer to furnish any and all medical treatment necessary for recovery of the work related injury.   As the injured employee, you have the right to accept the services of a doctor recommended by your employer; or you may exercise your right to select a competent doctor...

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Hurt while working on the water

water longshore

In short, the name of an experienced attorney.  Injuries that occur at work for those men and women who work on or around the water can be broken into two classes of cases: Longshore and Jones Act.  Undoubtedly, you've seen attorneys advertise on television about Longshore and Jones Act cases, but what are they?  How are they different from one another?  More importantly, how do they affect you? The Longshore and Harbor workers' Compensation Act (Longshore for short) is a federal law that requires employers to purchase and carry workers' compensation insurance - the purpose of which is to ensure that...

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