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Rogen K. Chhabra Tag

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Posts tagged "Rogen K. Chhabra" (Page 4)

What Should I Bring to My Attorney for My New Client Appointment


What should I bring to my attorney for my new client appointment in a workers compensation case? That is a common question we get from new clients many times. Here are the best things we recommend for you to bring to your attorney when coming in for a new client appointment involving a workers compensation case. Bring your attorney any documents you have relating to your case.  Some people come with nothing, some come with a huge pile of disorganized papers, and some come with a neatly organized and indexed set of documents.  Any of these are fine, and the attorney will...

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Should I Just Settle With The Adjuster In My Workers Comp Case?


Many times, people come to us after having already completed treatment and therefore are at the final stages of their claim.  In some instances, the adjuster has already offered them a settlement, and they want to know whether their case is actually worth more money if they get an attorney involved.  While every case is different, there are a few things that we look for as attorneys that can potentially increase the value of a claim.   Impairment ratings can give a general idea of value of a claim, but in many situations these ratings can be increased where the injured worker is...

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Does my insurance company have a right to make me see their doctor?


One question I get asked from clients is "Does my insurance company have a right to make me see their doctor?" Yes, but only once for a one time evaluation.  You have a right to treat with any doctor you chose as long as you exercise it before you have surgery and within 6 months of your injury.  It is critical to get an attorney early in a case to help navigate through the medical treatment process before it is too late and you get stuck with a doctor who favors employers and insurance companies. An Employer Medical Evaluation ( EME) is...

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How much is my workers compensation case worth?


This is one of the top questions we are asked every day.  There is no easy answer, because each case is different, and there are lots of different factors that play into the way the attorney values the case. The first thing that affects how much your case is worth is what body part you have injured.  Scheduled member cases such as arms, legs, fingers, toes, etc. are evaluated with a mathematical formula that factors in the amount of weeks assigned to each body part under Mississippi law, the person’s average weekly wage, and the impairment rating as assigned by their...

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How long will it take you to settle my workers compensation case?


Clients will ask me from time to time how long it will take to settle their workers compensation case.  There is no guarantee that a case will settle. Settlements involve two willing parties. If the insurance company is not willing to settle, only the workers compensation commission can decide if they owe you any money. So the question becomes, how can your attorney negotiate with the carrier to put money on the table as quickly as possible? There is more than one way to get your case settled, and not every attorney does it the same way. Our philosophy as...

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Posting on Social media can kill your legal case


I wince when I see people post pictures on social media of their wrecked car or comments about what just happened immediately after an accident.  Taking pictures or notes immediately is great and should be done if you are physically able.  But posting them for the world to see is unnecessary and could hurt your case. How can it hurt?  An attorney on the opposing side is much more likely to find something to cross examine you about and twist your words during a deposition or at trial.  The comments made by friends on your social media could be taken out...

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Congratulation to Rogen K. Chhabra

Congratulation Rogen Chhabra

Congratulation to Rogen K. Chhabra for receiving an award from The American Society of Legal Advocates for being a part of the Top 100 Litigation Lawyers In the State of Mississippi For the Year 2016. The American Society of Legal Advocates, ASLA, is an invitation-only, nationwide organization of elite lawyers in practice today. ASLA draws its membership from lawyers who combine stellar legal credentials with a proven commitment to community engagement and the highest professional standards. A team of lawyers spent six months researching tens of thousands of lawyers across the country and manually selecting less than 1.5% of all lawyers based...

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My car wreck lawyers won’t take my Workers Comp case


I was in a car wreck on the job that is someone else's fault. I have a lawyer to pursue the person that hit me, but he won't take my workers compensation case. What can I do? You can have separate lawyers for both cases.  But generally, our firm recommends that you get one firm to represent you on both aspects of the cases.  The interplay between the two can be very complicated, but not all firms have experience in both areas.  However, it is ok to get a separate lawyer to make sure your rights are protected on your workers...

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Can I fire my attorney?

Fire Attorney

Yes you can fire your attorney, but be careful.  Lawyers are not magicians.  Sometimes people expect results that are impossible to deliver.  What you should expect from your lawyer is timely responses to your inquiries from the lawyer or properly trained staff and honest advice on the best way for your case to proceed. A few rules that you need to understand: 1.  Lawyers cannot speak to someone already represented by counsel. 2.  You can terminate your lawyer anytime, but you should make sure it is for a legitimate reason as opposed to unreasonable expectations on your part. 3.  Terminating a lawyer requires no...

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Ex-spouse entitled to my workers comp benefits in my divorce?


Maybe.  It depends on the benefits at issue.  I recently had the opportunity to testify in chancery court about whether workers compensation benefits were marital assets to be equally split in the divorce with the spouse.  Every case is different, but in this case, the husband had received weekly payments for a period of 4 years, some argued to be before the parties separated and some after.  Then well after the separation, the husband received a settlement package worth more than $300,000.  The wife wanted her share.  My testimony was that the settlement was intended for future lost wages and...

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