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Ray L. Gustavis Tag

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Posts tagged "Ray L. Gustavis"

Family of Innocent Man Killed in Police Chase Sues Pearl and Flowood for $10 Million

police chase

WLBT 3 On Your Side writes in their latest news story: The family of a man killed during a police pursuit last August is suing two Rankin County cities, claiming their officers’ reckless behavior led to the man’s death. The amended complaint, filed June 26 by Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Personal Injury Attorney, Ray L. Gustavis,  claims the pursuit violated state law, and the actions of those officers and the suspect they were chasing led to the death of 47-year-old Steven Pearson. The chase, which began in Pearl, began when police attempted to stop Ryan Irwin for a tint violation. Irwin sped off,...

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Do I Have a Wrongful Death Claim?

Do I Have a Wrongful Death Claim

Losing a loved one because of someone else’s negligence is a tragic occurrence. And while no amount of money can bring them back, there could be financial compensation for the family left behind. If you lost a loved one due to negligence of others, you may ask yourself, do I have a wrongful death claim? Often grief keeps family members from filing their lawsuit in time. There are specific statutes of limitation that could prevent any recovery if a lawsuit is not filed during that timeframe. If you believe there is a claim for your loved one’s death, you should act...

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Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys awarded by the Mississippi Association for Justice

Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys Awarded

Chhabra & Gibbs Attorneys awarded by the Mississippi Association for Justice were Rogen Chhabra and Ray Gustavis at the 2022 annual trial lawyers conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Association awarded Rogen with the Beyond the Call Trial Lawyer Emeritus award for his dogged passion in working with the organization to pursue justice for all Mississippians in the Mississippi Legislature. Ray was awarded the Legacy of Leadership award and the New Lawyer of the Year Award. Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. represents people in car wrecks, 18-wheeler crashes, work injuries, offshore injuries, disability claims, and many other injury claims in state, federal,...

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Ray L. Gustavis, New Firm Partner

Ray L. Gustavis New Partner

Chhabra & Gibbs, P. A. proudly announce Raynetra L. Gustavis as the firm’s newest partner effective January 1, 2022.  Ms. Gustavis started with the firm as an intern while earning her Juris Doctorate at Mississippi College School of Law. After a successful externship with Justice Jim Kitchens of the Mississippi Supreme Court, she joined the firm in 2016 as an associate. During her career, Ms. Gustavis has litigated cases in state and federal courts and before the Mississippi Court of Appeals and Supreme Court. She is licensed in both Mississippi and Louisiana. “Ray is a dynamic talent that effortlessly embraces Chhabra & Gibbs’...

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Will the Insurance Company Pull My Offer If I Get An Attorney?

Offer from the insurance company

Will the insurance company pull the offer they have given you if you hire an attorney? No.  getting an experienced Mississippi Injury lawyer is far more likely to enhance the value of your case.  Our Mississippi personal injury attorneys have heard many times that adjusters will tell people that getting a lawyer will just end up getting the injured victim getting less money.  This is not true.  Experience has proven over and over again that a good lawyer brings bottom line value to your case.  If this were not true, we would go find some other way to actually help...

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What should I do if I Am Hit by an 18-Wheeler?

18-Wheeler Accident

If you drive on the highway in states such as Mississippi, Louisiana, Colorado, Alabama or Tennessee, then you are used to sharing the road with 18-wheelers and log trucks. And if you are like me, every time I am near one, I hold my breath a bit — and for good reason. 18-wheelers cannot respond to traffic as easily nor stop as fast as regular vehicles. If there are poor weather conditions or the 18-wheelers are improperly maintained, disaster can occur. Also, some drivers can be overworked, untrained, sleepy, inattentive, intoxicated, and the list goes on. There are about 500,000 18-wheeler accidents...

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Workers’ Compensation Seminar

Amanda Fritz and Ray Gustavis Seminar

On June 3rd and 4th 2019, Associate Attorneys Amanda Fritz and Ray Gustavis will be conducting a “Workers Compensation A TO Z” seminar with the National Business Institute. Amanda Fritz will be presenting “Workers’ Compensation: Key Concepts and Issues”. She will be discussing state workers compensation laws, the responsibilities of employers and employees, statutes of limitations, and workers compensation fraud during this presentation. Amanda will also be presenting “Navigating Workers’ Compensation Processes, Procedures and Forms”. Ray Gustavis will be presenting “Calculating the Value of a Claim”. Ray will also be presenting “Strategies for Workers’ Compensation Hearings”. She will be discussing the tips...

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Injured At Work and My Fault – Do I Have A Claim?

Fault Injured

I got hurt at work but it was my fault – do I have a claim?   Short answer – Probably, but you should consult with an attorney.   As a general rule, Mississippi’s Workers’ Compensation laws are a “no fault” system, which means that regardless of whose fault an injury is, if you are hurt while in the course and scope of your employment you are entitled to benefits. There are several specific instances that will look at whose “fault” the injury was; for example, horseplay or fighting with a non-coworker about something non-work related, but those instances are few and far between....

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Being A Victim Of A Crime and Civil Claims

Crime Victim

My loved one was a victim of a crime in Mississippi, Do I possibly have a civil claim?   When a loved one is hurt or killed resulting from a crime, suing someone is usually the last thing on your mind. But with the costs of hospital bills, funeral expenses, and the loss of income, support and companionship of someone close to you finding out whether or not you have a legal remedy outside of the criminal justice system can make a world of difference. In the state of Mississippi, if a business owner could reasonably expect for a crime to occur...

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Workers’ Compensation After Car Wreck


I was Injured in a car wreck on my way home from work, can I receive Workers' Compensation? The short answer: it depends.   Even when another person is responsible for your injuries during a car wreck in Mississippi, if you were “in the course and scope” of your injuries you are entitled to workers’ compensation. As a general rule Employees are not covered by workers’ compensation when going to or coming from work but there are several exceptions to that general rule. For instance, if travel is a part of your job then it is possible you could be covered by workers’...

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