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Chhabra & Gibbs, P.A. > Posts tagged "Blog Posts" (Page 2)

Why you need a Premises Liability Lawyer

Why you need a Premises Liability Lawyer

After a slip and fall injury you may be wondering why you need a premises liability lawyer. While not everyone who is injured calls a premises liability lawyer its important to understand a few things regarding these types of injuries and your rights. What is Premises Liability? When you slip or trip and fall it can be very painful and lead to both physical pain and financial pain, but when that happens on someone else’s property it involves a lot more. When on someone else’s property such as a store, restaurant, or home you can expect that the property will be safe...

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What kind of evidence is used for my SSD claim?

evidence used for my SSD claim

In order to be found disabled by Social Security, you must have a disability that has lasted, or is expected to last, for a period of at least 12 months and causes you not to be able to work at a substantial gainful activity level (which, for 2023, means earning $1,470.00 per month). So, you may be wondering, what kind of evidence is used for my SSD claim?   While Social Security will consider your statements about your physical or mental issues, they will mainly rely on your medical records in order to determine whether you have a disability that keeps you...

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Motorcycle Stats You Should Know

Motorcycle Stats You Should Know

As the weather gets warmer you will see more and more motorcycles on the road. Whether you are the one riding a motorcycle or you happen to drive past one on the road its important to know the dangers that come with them. Here are a few motorcycle stats you should know in order to be a little more cautious next time your on the road. Fatality Rate of Motorcyclists On average, there are over 5,000 motorcyclist fatalities every year, and this number has continued to increase over the years. The average fatality rate is just over 67 percent which is...

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What You Need to Know About Credible Fear When Seeking Asylum

Now, more than ever, it is important to stay up to date and in the know about the changes and processes that are involved for the purpose of establishing credible fear when seeking asylum in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented a new rule that gives asylum seekers less time to amend, correct, and seek redetermination of their negative credible fear results when an Immigration Judge affirms the denial of their credible fear. DHS has explained that with this new rule, individuals who are found to be ineligible for asylum “will be promptly removed rather than...

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Why do lawyers use legalese?

Why do lawyers use legalese

First, let’s define legalese.  Dictionary.com defines legalese as the formal and technical language used in legal documents that is often hard to understand.  You have to be kidding me.  Why would lawyers write anything that is hard to understand?  Shouldn’t they be writing with a style that the reader can easily understand?  Is that not more persuasive?  More credible?  More relatable? It makes many of us wonder, why do lawyers use legalese? I dug around to find out.  No fancy research was used here; just plain Google.com.  I found some interesting theories.  Some old terms have been battle tested in court...

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How to Get Compensation After a Car Wreck

How to Get Compensation After a Car Wreck

There are roughly 4.7 million car crashes every year in the U.S. and is among the leading cause of death for those under the age of 55. Unfortunately, for those that are part of this statistic you will likely experience the physical pain and financial pain of a car wreck. After such a scary incident you may be wondering how to get compensation after a car wreck. Types of Compensation After a Car Accident After a car accident there are two types of compensation you may try to make a claim for, economic and non-economic compensation. Economic claims are a type of monetary...

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How long do I have to make a claim for social security disability benefits?

Claim for social security disability benefits

There are 2 types of disability benefits that you can apply for through the Social Security Administration. The first type is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and the second is Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) benefits. I will discuss each type below and the deadlines to apply for those benefits. SSDI benefits are for individuals who have earned enough work credits due to paying into Social Security through their employment. These individuals have what is known as a date last insured from Social Security, which is determined by the Social Security Administration based on their work history. In order to be...

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How long do you have to file a slip & fall claim?

How long do you have to file slip & fall claim

A slip and fall injury may lead to something as minor as a bruise, but many times those types of injuries can be serious resulting to lifelong medical problems. Slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries in the U.S. In the chance you are injured in a slip and fall incident you should know whether you have a claim and how long do you have to file a slip and fall claim. While not every state is the same when it comes to statute of limitations in a slip and fall claim, in Mississippi you have...

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Mistakes that Hurt your Car Accident Claim

Mistakes that Hurt your Car Accident Claim

The pain and suffering following a car accident can not only be physically painful but also financially. Everyday thousands are injured or killed due to car accidents, leaving them and their loved ones feeling lost. It’s important to know your rights after a car or truck wreck in order to get maximum compensation. The best thing you can do after a car wreck is to contact a car accident attorney in order to avoid mistakes that hurt your car accident claim. Mistakes After a Car Accident Admitting Fault After a car accident you might feel obligated to say sorry or apologize to...

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What to do if you’re an Uber Passenger in an Accident

What to do if you’re an Uber Passenger in an Accident

Uber is the top ridesharing company and an essential way of transportation for millions of users. While many Americans have experienced the convenience of Uber, some of us have unfortunately had a bad experience with the rideshare giant. Every day, there are thousands of motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. and for those who use Uber may find themselves part of this statistic. So, you may be wondering, what to do if you’re an Uber passenger in an accident. If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of a car wreck while riding in an Uber be sure to take the...

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