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Workers Compensation

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Workers Compensation

Flora Explosion Could have been Prevented According to OSHA

Flora Explosion Could have been Prevented

The U.S. Department of Labor reports the Flora explosion could have been prevented which cost the life of a 25-year-old welder. The explosion that occurred in July 2022 injured 6 and killed one of the employees of W.S. Red Hancock Inc. At the time of the explosion, they were replacing old metal tanks with fiberglass ones at a saltwater disposal site for oil and gas fields. Federal investigators say the explosion could have been prevented if they had followed federal workplace safety standards. Courtney Bohannon, the OSHA Area Office Director in Jackson, Mississippi stated "The terrible loss of a young worker's...

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Should I Hire an Attorney for a Workers’ Comp Claim?

Should I Hire an Attorney for a Workers’ Comp Claim

A workplace injury can be devastating, leaving you in physical and financial pain as well as your family that depends on you. It is important that you get the treatment needed in order to recover and that you are financially compensated for your injuries. If you or a loved one is injured on the job you may wonder, should I hire an attorney for a workers’ comp claim. Whether or not to hire an attorney for a workers' compensation claim depends on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the severity of the injury, and the level of dispute between...

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How does workers’ comp work in Mississippi?

How does workers’ comp work in Mississippi

If you are ever injured on the job, you may have wondered how does workers’ comp work in Mississippi and what are my rights as an employee. Workers' compensation in Mississippi provides benefits to employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness. Employers in Mississippi are required by law to carry workers' compensation insurance coverage for their employees. The Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission is responsible for enforcing workers' compensation laws in the state. If an employee is injured on the job, they must report the injury to their employer as soon as possible. The employer must then file a report of...

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What damages am I entitled to recover in a Personal injury claim in Mississippi

What damages am I entitled to recover in a Personal injury claim

In Mississippi, if you've been injured due to someone else's negligence, you may be wondering what damages am I entitled to recover in a personal injury claim in Mississippi. You are entitled to recover several types of damages in a personal injury claim. The damages you may be able to recover will depend on the specifics of your case, but generally, the damages that may be available include: Medical Expenses: This includes any expenses related to medical treatment you received for your injuries, such as hospital bills, doctor's fees, rehabilitation expenses, and prescription drug costs. Lost Income: If you missed...

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Personal Injuries During the Holidays

Personal Injuries During the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time to spend with family and friends, but the gatherings can sometimes end badly. Whether you are traveling to see family, shopping for last minute gifts, or working overtime, it’s important to understand the dangers that come with each of these. Car wrecks, slip and fall injuries in a business, as well as work related injuries are just a few of the personal injuries during the holidays that can occur. Car Wrecks During the Holidays AAA estimates that there will be an increase of more than 3 million people travelling during the holidays this year versus last...

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Caterpillar Employee Immediately Incinerated

Caterpillar Employee Immediately Incinerated

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released a statement last Wednesday that Caterpillar failed to install proper fall protection into their plant in Mapleton, IL. The incident happened in June of this year when a 39 year old man fell into an 11 foot deep pot that was filled with molten iron that was heated to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result of this fall the Caterpillar employee immediately incinerated. A federal investigation into the incident that occurred earlier this year stated that if proper fall protection was in place then the employee might not have died. The reasoning behind OSHA...

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Should I get an incident report after a work injury?

Should I get an incident report after a work injury

If you are wondering, should I get an incident report after a work injury? The answer to that question is yes. It is important to report work injuries as soon as possible. Talking with your employer right away helps them get the best idea of what happened. Even if the injury appears minor, it is important to fill out an incident report as proof that your employer was notified. There are many reasons why people choose not to report a workplace injury including: embarrassment, worry about being fired, being unsure if the injury is work-related, and belief that incident reporting is...

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Workers’ Compensation – Can I pick my doctor?

can I pick my doctor.

If you are injured at work, you may be wondering, can I pick my doctor? Mississippi’s laws allow people hurt at work to choose their doctor. A person’s right to have themselves looked at by their choice of physician was so crucial that our legislature included it in the workers’ compensation statute initially passed in 1948. This allows someone who gets hurt at work to seek medical treatment from a provider they want to see. There are some exceptions to this rule, like if you sign a Choice of Physician (COP) form, if you treat with a doctor for six months...

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Workplace Injuries and Deaths

workplace injuries and deaths

Workplace injuries and deaths happen every day throughout the U.S. Unfortunately, that was the case for a California tree trimmer Tuesday afternoon after he reportedly fell into a woodchipper. Menlo Park Police Department reported to the scene Tuesday around 1 P.M. to find the victim dead from the injuries he sustained while working. Roughly 12,000 people in Mississippi are injured every year at work. When you are injured on the job you may be wondering what to do or how you will pay your bills. Under Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Law, if a business has five or more employees, they are required...

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Top 3 Workplace Injuries

top 3 workplace injuries

According to the National Safety Council in 2020, the top 3 workplace injuries were exposure to harmful substances or environments, followed by overexertion and bodily reaction, and slips, trips, and falls. Top 3 Workplace Injuries Exposure to harmful substances or environments: It’s no secret that Covid-19 played a role in this outcome as many people in the medical field were exposed to harmful environments when treating patients. Prior to Covid this category had ranked 6th in workplace injuries. Along with Covid-19 injuries was exposure to electricity, extreme temperature, radiation and noise, air, and water pressure change, as well as exposure to...

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