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Helpful Information

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Helpful Information (Page 3)

The Chhabra & Gibbs, P.A Intake Department

Intake at Chhabra & Gibbs - evaluation

Hospitals and clinics in Jackson, Mississippi are not the only place where an intake department is needed. Some law firms, such as Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., have intake specialists that handles all incoming potential client phone calls. If you call our office as a potential Mississippi Workers Compensation client from being injured on the job on land or offshore, potential Mississippi Personal Injury client from being injured in a car wreck, 18 wheeler wreck, motorcycle wreck, pedestrian accident, slip and fall premises injury, or a new potential client being impacted in any other area of law such as a...

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Summons by Publication in Mississippi


You may have seen legal notices in your local Mississippi newspaper before, but what happens when there is no newspaper in your Hinds, Rankin, Madison or other county area?  Where do you go to find legal notices when there is no newspaper?   There are different rules for different types of legal notices in the state of Mississippi. I will address the 2 most common legal notices below.   Sometimes a person is sued but they cannot be located to be personally served. For example, you have experienced a personal injury in Mississippi such as a slip and fall at a business or someone’s property...

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Mental Stress Injury And Workers Comp?

Mental Stress

I think most of the working class in Hinds or Rankin County in Mississippi can admit that they usually feel some type of mental health stress at their job. You may wonder: How much stress is normal? How much should I tolerate? Is it affecting other areas in my life? Can stress lead to anxiety and depression? Can I file a workers' compensation claim in Mississippi for psychological issues? Emotional and mental stress injuries in a Mississippi workers compensation case can be more difficult to prove and sometimes harder to receive compensation for. The reason being is that it can be tricky to...

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“You don’t know what it’s like”

What it's like

“You don’t know what it’s like” I hear this all the time. You’re right. I do not know what it is like to be severely injured at work, what it is like to lose everything I own because I was hurt at work, not being able to get treatment because my employer and its insurance carrier won’t pay for it, not receiving a paycheck while I am off of work, and not being able to feed my family. But I will promise you this, it wears on my heart to know clients we represent are going through this. This is what I am here...

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Moms are Superheroes

Super Mom

Are you are a working mom? Do you have one or multiple children? Being a mom that works is hard especially when you have multiple children. Being a working mom in Mississippi doesn’t mean you’re made of money either. In fact, Mississippi is the 2nd lowest paid state. Daycare alone can take up a check without even thinking twice about it. What can you do? You have to be paid to work right? Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like it is worth having a job. I can all too well relate this. Being a mom is probably the most demanding job...

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When will I get my next workers’ comp check?

Workers comp check

When will I get my next workers’ comp check?   In Mississippi, if your workers comp claim is admitted, and your approved doctor has taken you off work for 5 or more days under a doctor’s care, you are entitled to payment for your time off work. Commonly referred to as “workers’ comp checks”, this payment for your time off work is actually called temporary total disability— you may hear us refer to them as TTD for short. The amount can vary depending on how much you made per week and depending on the year you were injured.  However, just because you...

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Do I Need a Lawyer?

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A

Do you need a lawyer for your workers’ compensation or personal injury case in Mississippi or Louisiana? Maybe. It depends. Not the concrete answer you were hoping for? We understand the search for a “yes” or a “no.” But the truth is, it depends on the facts.  We meet with people as part of a free, confidential consultation. No hidden fee. No strings attached.  If we believe you need an attorney, we will tell you.  If we don’t believe you would benefit from an attorney on your case, we’ll also tell you.  Either way, we’ll let you know your rights in...

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Halloween Safety Driving Tips

Halloween safety

When looking at Halloween safety statistics, children are twice or more as likely to get hit by a car between 4PM and 8PM on Halloween over any other time of the year. Over 85 percent of these kind of pedestrian accidents happen at non-intersecting locations. When you add the fun night of Halloween with the fact that most children are less aware of their surroundings, this creates a risk for pedestrian accidents and car wrecks. Here are Halloween safety driving tips for you to follow on Halloween: Drive extremely slow: On normal days you should follow the speed limit of your...

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Workers’ Compensation & Choosing A Doctor: What Are Your Rights?


One of the most important rights you have as an injured worker in Mississippi is the choice of which doctor will treat you for your on the job injury. Often insurance companies will direct you to physicians who are notorious for being more interested in making money from dealing with Employers and insurance companies instead of physicians focused on making you better.  Many insurance companies will tell injured workers they are required to go to a certain doctor or that you have to “treat within their network.” This is simply not true. Mississippi Workers’ Compensation law allows for you to...

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When A Workers’ Comp Claim Turns Bumpy…


Imagine this: the Employer and Carrier have admitted responsibility for your workers' compensation claim, and things are going smoothly.  The Employer and Carrier are paying for your medical treatment, you are receiving your TTD checks in a timely manner, you don’t have any issues with mileage or prescription reimbursement, and all is well.  All of the sudden something changes…. A doctor changes their opinion on whether your treatment is work related, you’re missing a check, or the adjuster won’t approve that surgery you need.   If you don’t already have a lawyer in place, and you wait to find one until something...

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