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Personal Injury Tag

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Posts tagged "Personal Injury" (Page 6)

Getting Your Personal Injury Medical Records & Bills

Medical Records

Why should you help your personal injury attorney get your medical records and bills? Medical records and billing statements are a critical piece of any personal injury case in Mississippi. This is true whether you are hurt in a car wreck, a slip and fall, due to medical negligence, or any other kind of personal injury. Your medical records and billing statements are used to prove the damages you have suffered in your personal injury case. They help your attorney show the medical treatment you have received as a result of being hurt. Typically, your personal injury attorney will request these...

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Can I Get a Copy of My Incident Report?

Incident Report Slip and Fall

Can I Get a Copy of My Incident Report? You probably would not expect to hear “No” to that question, but that is what Wal-Mart and other big box retailers will tell you when they have you complete an incident report at their store after you fall or get hurt. Don’t accept No for answer. Demand a copy. Or better yet, snap a photo of the completed form before you turn it in. You can also take a photo of the manager taking report, her name tag, the office you are completing report in and the spill that caused the fall. Keep your...

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Hit and Run Car Accident in Mississippi?

Hit and Run in Mississippi

What should I do if I’m in a hit and run car accident in Mississippi?   First, do not chase them.  Let me say that again.  Do not chase the person you were in a hit and run car wreck with.  People do this because they have a sense of justice.  I understand that, but chasing someone could get you hurt...

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Do lawyers really act like Saul?

Saul - Better Call Saul

Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul have become pop culture phenomenon’s on Netflix.  One of the characters is the sleazy money hungry lawyer called Saul.  He wears the car salesman suit and fits the obnoxious mold that we expect attorneys to have.  He even has this endearing side and line of ethics that he will not cross, although he always tries to figure out a way to get what he wants without getting himself in trouble.   As a lawyer, I can appreciate why people have stereotyped us, and why the show portrays Saul that way.  The purpose of this blog is...

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Everyone Needs Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Mississippi law requires all drivers to maintain minimum liability insurance limits on the vehicles they drive.  This covers you if you are at fault and cause someone else to have a personal injury in a car accident or 18 wheeler wreck.  However, not everyone gets liability insurance as the law requires.  Roughly 25% of Mississippi drivers are uninsured. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident with someone who doesn’t have car insurance in Mississippi, you could be in for a major headache. You could be on the hook for your own medical bills and repair costs. You are...

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The Chhabra & Gibbs, P.A Intake Department

Intake at Chhabra & Gibbs - evaluation

Hospitals and clinics in Jackson, Mississippi are not the only place where an intake department is needed. Some law firms, such as Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., have intake specialists that handles all incoming potential client phone calls. If you call our office as a potential Mississippi Workers Compensation client from being injured on the job on land or offshore, potential Mississippi Personal Injury client from being injured in a car wreck, 18 wheeler wreck, motorcycle wreck, pedestrian accident, slip and fall premises injury, or a new potential client being impacted in any other area of law such as a...

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Slip and Falls and Premises Liability

slip fall

Slip and falls are the second most likely cause of injury in America, but one of the most misunderstood. Whether it be work place injuries or premises liability at a place unrelated to your Mississippi work or business slip and falls are serious injuries and every measure should be taken to prevent them.   For a work related fall, the injured worker simply needs to prove they fell while on the job.   But for a claim where you fall at a business or someone else's property, it can be a lot more complicated.  For a premises liability claim, you would need to prove...

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What to do following a car accident?

car accident

Many times the clients we see are involved in a car accident for the very first time and have no idea what to do. Here some recommended tips:   Call the police. A police report can be helpful in proving your case. The police will come out and investigate the scene and make a preliminary determination on fault. Collect as much information as possible. This includes insurance information, VIN and license plate numbers. You should also collect the names, phone numbers and contact information of the other driver or any witnesses. Take photos. Be sure to use your phone or a...

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What is Uninsured Motorist coverage?


Most everyone knows what car insurance is.  You pay a monthly premium to an insurance company, and in exchange that company agrees under contract to pay for the loss that occurs when you are involved in a motor vehicle accident.  Mississippi law requires that licensed drivers maintain liability insurance, which provides coverage for the other car and/or driver when an accident is your fault.  The minimum liability insurance coverage legally required in Mississippi is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident for bodily injury.  But what happens if you are in a wreck that is not your fault, you are...

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Lightnin Malcolm – Don’t End Up With The Blues


Blues man Lightnin Malcolm here in Mississippi has a little song for you: "If you got some bad news, about a Personal Injury case and you got a lot to lose. Don't end up with the blues. Get the legal help you can use. At Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A." [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq0os1oRpts[/embed] Personal Injury - Workers' Compensation Cutting Edge Blues man LIGHTNIN MALCOLM, a charismatic and energetic guitar-slinger with a deep soulful voice, has taken his irresistible Dance grooves from Juke Joint teen years as a One Man Band to World stages. The Mississippi based Multi-instrumentalist combines the Tribal Rhythms and raw electrifying power...

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