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Motor Vehicle Accidents Tag

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Posts tagged "Motor Vehicle Accidents" (Page 4)

Log Truck Collision Kills 3 People

log truck

Monday afternoon MHP responded to a log truck crash in Copiah County that killed 3 people. The log truck was travelling East on highway 28 when it collided with a Lexus. As a result of the log truck collision, both the driver of the log truck and the two occupants of the Lexus died. The vehicle crash is still under investigation, but more information can be seen at wjtv.com. Mississippi has a large logging industry so unfortunately a log truck collision isn’t uncommon. Lately there has been many accidents on the road and when it comes to wrecks with large trucks...

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18-Wheeler Wreck Kills 3 on I-59

18-wheeler wreck kills 3

WLBT reports of a deadly crash on I-59 Saturday afternoon involving an 18-wheeler and another vehicle. Mississippi Highway Patrol reports the 18-wheeler wreck kills 3 of the people in the passenger vehicle and injured 2 others including the driver of the semi-truck. This deadly accident occurred around 3:30 P.M. Saturday afternoon in Heidelberg, MS. Lately we are hearing more and more about these deadly accidents on our Mississippi highways. A majority of the deadly wrecks are involving an 18-wheeler, which according to policyadvice.net is the result of 74% of fatal car crashes. It is important to stay alert and cautious when...

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Driver Traveling Wrong Way Kills 2 People on I-55

driver going the wrong way kills 2 people

Reports of a deadly crash on I-55 in Jackson after a driver traveling the wrong way kills 2 people and injured others late Friday afternoon. Officials say the driver was traveling South in the Northbound Lane when the deadly crash occurred. Full details are still unclear but WLBT is covering the story. Driving to get food, go shopping, or leaving work can be an enjoyable time to relax and enjoy the peacefulness. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case especially when traveling busy highways like I-55 which stretches from Northern Illinois to South Louisiana. The amount of people using major highways like...

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When is it ok for police to chase?

police chase

When is it ok for police to chase, and can they be liable if someone is killed in the process? Recently, Police officers with the City of Pearl, Mississippi pulled a suspect over for a traffic stop.  The suspect made the decision to flee, and the officers chased him until he crashed into and killed a postal worker. Was this chase legal?  Probably not.  The Pearl Mayor conducted a press conference where he vehemently defended the actions of the police officers.  But when he was asked the questions that determine whether the chase was legal or not, he refused to answer...

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Dangerous Semi-Truck Crash on I-55

dangerous semi-truck crash

WAPT News reports of a dangerous semi-truck crash occurred on I-55 this morning, July 21st in Canton, MS near the Nissan plant involving a semi-truck and multiple vehicles. It is still a developing story, so we are not sure of the injuries yet. This semi-truck crash is one of many that can be seen on I-55 on a daily basis, as this stretch of highway goes from Northern Illinois to South Louisiana. Even with all the new technology we have today the transportation of goods is primarily still done by 18-wheelers throughout the U.S. Unfortunately, many times when there are crashes involving...

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Avoid 18-Wheeler Wrecks

Avoid 18-wheeler wrecks

A majority of the transportation of goods in U.S. is done by the trucking industry. With such large heavy vehicles on the road there is bound to be accidents resulting in major injuries and so knowing how to avoid 18-wheeler wrecks is crucial. In 2020 there were 147,000 injuries due to large truck accidents such as semi-trucks. According to policyadvice.net, there has been a 52% increase in trucking accidents since 2009 and 74% of fatal vehicle crashes involve one of these large trucks. Trucking accidents account for a majority of the vehicle fatalities on the road and with that being said...

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Massive 21 Car Pileup

21 Car Pileup

A massive 21 car pileup in Montana took the lives of six people and injured many others late Friday afternoon. According to authorities, a huge dust storm is the cause of this major accident, as 60 mph winds swept across I-90 with blackout like conditions leading to six semi-trucks and 15 cars to crash. Driving is already dangerous with all the distracted drivers, drunk drivers, and reckless drivers on the road, but when you throw bad weather into the mix it can make even more dangerous driving conditions. According to IIHS there were roughly 38,000 deaths in 2020 from car crashes...

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Why choose Chhabra & Gibbs for my MVA case?

Why CG for MVA

Why choose Chhabra & Gibbs for your MVA case? There are many questions that run through the mind of any person involved in a car wreck.  Do I need a lawyer?  And which one of the many law firms out there that handle car wrecks should I choose from? The answer to the first question is easy. If you are injured, first you need a doctor, then you need a lawyer.  An experienced law firm can help guide you through the process of making certain you are being fairly compensated for the injuries from your car wreck.  You pay us nothing...

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Major Car Crash in Mississippi

Major Car Crash

Last night around 4:00 pm, Police responded to a major car crash in Mississippi involving a multi-car pileup East Bound on I-10 in D’Iberville, MS. This crash involved a semi-truck and 4 cars, one of which had been towing a trailer full of motorcycles. No reports yet of how serious the injuries are, but traffic was backed up in multiple lanes well after 5 pm. When traveling the busy roads in Mississippi such as I-10, serious injuries can occur when a person is driving distracted or too fast.  It is important to know what to do and who to call when...

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Driving during the Holidays

Driving during the holidays

It’s no secret that accidents increase during the Holidays. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that 450 people may die on U.S. roads this Memorial Day holiday period. This could be due to the sheer number of vacationers packing the roads or the Holiday business creates more distractions causing more accidents. It may be a combination of the two, but people should be careful as they are driving during the holiday period. Whether traveling to put your toes in the sand or heading across town to see a movie, the weekend of holidays can cause an increase in traffic accidents. As...

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