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Immigration Tag

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Posts tagged "Immigration" (Page 2)

Fair Appeal in Immigration Court

Appeal in Immigration Court

Always preserve your right to a fair appeal in Immigration Court.  Many clients have done an appeal on faulty decisions by immigration judges that wrongly decided the clients’ protections or relief. There are different appellate processes that immigrants must go through. These particular processes depend on the nature of the immigrant’s petition or application, whether the person has a valid immigration status, and whether that immigrant is detained in an immigration detention facility. Allow the attorneys at Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., to assist you in your immigration court case so that you preserve your rights to due process and get a...

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Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Many migrant children enter our country unlawfully each year, some alone and some with a single parent.  Our government has created a pathway to status in the U.S. for these “unaccompanied” minors called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.  Depending on the state the child resides in, the guardian of the child can seek custody, guardianship, or the equivalent. Upon the granting of a State Order for Custody or Guardianship, the child will be eligible to file for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.  Once this status is granted the child is eligible for a green card as soon as a visa becomes available...

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Assistance With a Positive Credible Fear Determination

Credible Fear Determination

Has your loved one been wasting away in a federal detention center while attempting to get a  positive credible fear determination?  Allow Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Immigration Team, to assist in helping secure a re-interview or a positive credible fear determination for your loved one.  As of June 30, 2020, the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. ruled that these interviews should be determined by a “significant possibility” standard instead of the old “reasonable fear” standard. CG Immigration Team of Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. offers an array of  legal services for clients in the Mississippi area such as adjustment of status, citizenship, green...

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Recent Presidential Proclamation

Presidential Proclamation

Recently this month, the presidential proclamation (recently issued on June 22, 2020 (#10014) which continued the proclamation issued on April 22, 2020 suspending entry of certain nonimmigrants) was suspended in part due to a preliminary injunction ordered by the district court in five consolidated cases, including Gomez, et al., v. Trump, et al.  This injunction brings relief to the many diversity lottery winners who had previously been refused processing of their visa applications. Now these diversity lottery visa winners will be able to obtain their visas and come to the United States immediately.  Diversity visa selectees should immediately contact their...

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Credible Fear Interview Preparation

Credible Fear

Know someone who is Detained and Interested in Seeking Asylum? When people are detained by the United States government, they must receive a positive credible fear determination from their Credible Fear Interview to be able to pursue claims to asylum or withholding of removal. At the interview, the asylum officer will ask questions, either in person or via telephonic or satellite communication. An interpreter will be present to translate the questions into the detainee’s native language. Preparation for the credible fear screening process is critical. If one cannot establish positive credible fear, a request can be made to have an immigration judge review...

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COVID-19 Not Stalling Our Immigration Team

Immigration - bond

Congratulations to Angela Trehan and her immigration team, they recently posted an updated status on a bond approval and other immigration case advancements. COVID-19 has not stalled us at all this week: We successfully obtained a bond approval, a joint motion with a DHS attorney, and two Positive Credible Fear Interviews for clients! If you need legal immigration assistance, attorney Angela Trehan and our immigration team are available to help. Our immigration team offers an array of immigration legal services for clients in the Mississippi area and around the nation. Our legal team speaks Spanish and Punjabi as well as English. You can contact us...

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Angela K. Trehan – Immigration Attorney

Angela Trehan

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. would like to welcome our newest attorney, Angela K. Trehan to our law firm. Angela will be leading the immigration team with the CG Immigration department. Angela Trehan is a Mississippi girl.  She was born and raised in the Jackson area.  She has been working as an attorney in the immigration practice area for more than seven years.  She has practiced immigration law in many courts around the country including:  New Mexico, Texas, Florida, California, New York, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Angela has loved learning about other cultures as long as she can remember. At the age...

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USCIS Policy Alert: Good Moral Character

Policy Alert USCIS

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a policy alert today to give practitioners guidance on how certain “unlawful acts” could impact a person’s ability to naturalize. A person can become a naturalized United States citizen after establishing 3-5 years as a Legal Permanent Resident (green card holder) or through military service. A person must also be eighteen years old and have “good moral character” (GMC) to complete the naturalization process. The policy alert mentioned above concerns the GMC element of the naturalization process. USCIS policy now states that the commission of, or conviction or imprisonment for, an unlawful...

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Domestic Violence & Immigration

Domestic Violence

According to a study by the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men across the United States. The prevalence of domestic violence is an unfortunate but real factor for many people. Some of the people experiencing this do not have immigration status in the United States, meaning that they are not lawfully present here. Some people can obtain status in the United States through the Violence Against Women Act or VAWA....

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Master versus Individual Hearing – What’s the Difference?

Master Hearing

Many people in removal proceedings do not realize the different types of hearings that will take place during the removal process. If you appear at an Immigration Court in front of the Executive Office of Immigration Review, chances are you are appearing for your master calendar hearing. These “master hearings” are one of the most common functions of an immigration court and are usually the first hearings a person in removal proceedings has in front of an Immigration Judge. These hearings are typically to check on the status of a case, to review the charges the government is bringing against...

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