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Family Law

How long does it take to get a hearing date for Social Security or family law matters?

Social Security or Family Law

I have clients ask me all the time, when will my hearing be or how long will it take to get a hearing date? When it comes to Social Security or family law matters, the answer is…it depends.   All courts have different ways of setting hearings. Some counties have more judges than other counties have. Some courts have more cases than other courts have. Some judges only set hearings on certain days of the week. Some courts have more court reporters available for hearings that have to be on the record than other courts do. When there is more than one...

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Do I Have to Open an Estate in Mississippi?

Estate Law

I get questions frequently from friends and current clients about whether an estate needs to be open in Mississippi if a family member of theirs passes away. Sometimes an estate is required and sometimes it is not. If a person’s estate is worth less than $50,000, then you generally do not have to open one unless there is an asset, like real property, that needs to be handled through an estate in order to make sure the title to the land is clear. Some assets pass outside this completely, such as life insurance benefits and retirement plans, which go to...

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