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Offshore Injuries

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Offshore Injuries

Offshore Injuries

Offshore Injuries

Offshore injuries are unfortunately very common due to many dangerous factors such as heavy machinery, poor weather conditions, and much more. While many people working in the U.S. are covered under workers’ compensation laws if they are injured at work, that doesn’t apply to those working offshore such as on boats or rigs. Those working offshore and injured on the job are covered by a whole separate set of laws known as the Jones Act. In recent news, several offshore workers were killed in a helicopter crash off the Louisiana coast that was carrying oil rig workers. This is just one...

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When To Talk To A Lawyer If Hurt Offshore

Boat Crash Kills Teen

I got hurt working offshore, when should I talk to a lawyer?   The short answer to getting hurt when working offshore - as soon as possible.   With its high pay and often little to no training required, this kind of work is one of the most enticing jobs here in Mississippi and Louisiana. With reward however comes risk - working on the water is often literally back-breaking work. In addition to the heavy labor, many offshore workers face dangerous conditions on the ships due to poor maintenance, lack of training, inadequate safety measures and dilapidated conditions of the ship overall.   Because offshore work...

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Hurt while working on the water

water longshore

In short, the name of an experienced attorney.  Injuries that occur at work for those men and women who work on or around the water can be broken into two classes of cases: Longshore and Jones Act.  Undoubtedly, you've seen attorneys advertise on television about Longshore and Jones Act cases, but what are they?  How are they different from one another?  More importantly, how do they affect you? The Longshore and Harbor workers' Compensation Act (Longshore for short) is a federal law that requires employers to purchase and carry workers' compensation insurance - the purpose of which is to ensure that...

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The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

water longshore

For many Mississippians, working on the water provides a steady source of income with which they can care for their families.  Unfortunately, because accidents can and will happen, there will be times when one of our Mississippi maritime workers is injured or killed on the job. If you or a loved one has been injured while working on the water, here's what you should know: -The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act is a federal law that provides a means for which our Mississippi workers can be compensated for injuries received while working on the water. -The term "working on the water" includes...

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