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3M Defective Combat Ear Plugs

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > 3M Defective Combat Ear Plugs

3M Defective Military Earplugs

3M Defective Ear Plugs

Combat Arms Earplugs made by 3M allegedly have a dangerous design that can cause them to loosen while being worn. This defect can allow dangerous sounds to enter the ear canal and cause hearing damage, one of the largest ongoing medical problems facing soldiers today. From the year 2003 until 2015, thousands of military members used 3M’s Combat Arms Earplugs possibly leading to hearing loss or tinnitus. The ear plugs were designed to block out loud noises and combat sounds such as explosions, however there was a major design flaw that was discovered by a whistleblower in 2018. The design flaw...

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