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Bicycle Accidents

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Bicycle Accidents

What to do After being Hit by a Car on your Bicycle

What to do After being Hit by a Car on your Bicycle

Picture this, you’re riding your bicycle on a peaceful afternoon through your neighborhood and then BAM, something knocks you to the ground. As you come to you are confused and in pain but realize what has just happened, you were hit by a car. Then you start to wonder what to do after being hit by a car on your bicycle. While you may think this could never happen to you and you might be right, but there are over 130,000 people injured in bicycle crashes every year. Of those 130,000 that crash, there are 1,000 people that die every year...

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Bicyclist Hit by Car in Hinds County

bicyclist hit by car

Early Thursday morning, Mississippi Highway Patrol responded to a crash on Hwy 18 in Hinds County where a bicyclist was hit by a car and is now fighting for their life. The crash happened just before 7 A.M. according to WLBT when the driver of a Chevy Malibu hit the bicyclist. This time of year, bicyclists can be seen in the streets, sidewalks, and trails throughout Mississippi. The increase of bicycle traffic on the roads means drivers need to take extra precaution when driving, as well as bicyclists need to be on the lookout as well. According to the CDC bicyclists...

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Tips to Avoid Bicycle Injuries

bicycle injuries

According to the CDC bicyclists attest for nearly 1,000 deaths and 130,000 injuries every year on roads in the United States. This number seems pretty high for an activity that seems to be so leisurely as biking. While most bicycle related deaths occur for people 55 and older, one third of the injuries are from those ages 10-24. Bicycle accidents can occur to anyone no matter their age but knowing how to avoid injury or death while riding a bike is crucial. The following are 7 tips to avoid bicycle injuries. Wear a Helmet Wearing a helmet while biking is one...

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