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Sooner Rather than Later

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Sooner Rather than Later


After you are injured on the job in Mississippi, no matter how minor or severe the injury, you should always seek medical treatment and then contact an attorney that deals with Workers’ Compensation.  If the injury at work is not documented by medical treatment, the insurance carrier will try to argue that you were not really injured. You have the right to choose the doctor that provides you with medical treatment.  The Employer and Carrier is not allowed to pick for you. Whether you are happy with your treatment or not, you should still contact a Workers’ Compensation attorney about your injuries and your rights.  Often, things seem to go smoothly at first but you only have a certain amount of time to file a workers compensation claim so it is critical that an attorney advise you of your specific time limit to bring a case, sooner rather than later.  An attorney will be able to preserve issues in your case, advise, and help you along the way.  If you do not properly bring an injury case within the time limit, you may never be able to receive the benefits you would otherwise be entitled to.  However, there are exceptions to the time limit rules and your case may meet those requirements.  So even if time has gone by and you think you may have waited too long, call Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. so we can advise you.

Just because the adjuster is acting sweet and paying your benefits and doctor visits does not mean you don’t have a time clock running.  Too many times, people come to our office after they get cut off, and by then it is too late.  You need the advice when things are going good to keep them going good.  You should not wait until things get bad to finally get the advice to find out what the insurance companies already know.


To find out about your rights, the time limit on your case, and what Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. can do for you, contact us sooner rather than later if at all possible so we can begin working for you. You can reach our office by calling 601-948-8005 or by using our live chat on our website.

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