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Should I get an incident report after a work injury?

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Should I get an incident report after a work injury?

Should I get an incident report after a work injury

If you are wondering, should I get an incident report after a work injury? The answer to that question is yes. It is important to report work injuries as soon as possible. Talking with your employer right away helps them get the best idea of what happened. Even if the injury appears minor, it is important to fill out an incident report as proof that your employer was notified.

There are many reasons why people choose not to report a workplace injury including: embarrassment, worry about being fired, being unsure if the injury is work-related, and belief that incident reporting is a waste of time. If you are working for an employer who would treat you unfair because of a work injury, perhaps finding a better employer would be the best strategy long term.  In the meantime, it is important to know the being honest about your injury up front is going to lead to optimal results for your workers’ compensation case and for your life.

If you do not report the injury first aid may not be received when required, the injury could worsen, and your worker’s compensation claim may be denied. Many claims are denied because there is no proof that the employer was notified of the injury. A denied claim could cause delay in your medical treatment and disability benefits. Your claim could also be denied because you sought medical treatment without notifying your employer or medical provider of the incident. Having the appropriate documentation makes it harder for your employer to deny benefits.

Incident reporting also alerts your employer of problems existing in the workplace and allows them to take corrective action to prevent future injuries.

If you or a loved one was injured at work be sure to get an incident report, seek medical attention, and then call the Workers’ Comp Attorneys at Chhabra & Gibbs P.A. We have over 130 years of combined experience dealing with all kinds of workman’s compensation cases. Contact us 24/7 for a FREE consultation at 601-948-8005.

If you have any additional questions regarding Mississippi Workers Compensation visit our website or check out other workers comp blogs.

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