How long can you collect worker’s comp?
The amount of time that you can collect worker’s comp depends on the injury. Disability benefits are based on two thirds of your average weekly wage subject to the maximums set forth by the worker’s comp commission. Max rate for 2022, is $551.02 a week.
If your worker’s comp doctor takes you off work for longer than 5 days, you are entitled to temporary total disability (TTD) benefits until your doctor returns you to work. You can get up to 450 weeks of temporary (partial or total) disability payments.
Once the doctor finds you have reached maximum improvement, additional wage loss benefits known as “permanent disability” payments may be due if there is a permanent disability.
Permanent disability falls into one of two categories: whole body and scheduled member. Whole body is generally a back, neck or head injury. Whole body injuries are 450 weeks partial or total. Scheduled members are body parts listed in the workers comp act that each have an assigned value. For example, an arm is 200 weeks and a thumb is 35 weeks. Loss of both arms, hands, legs, feet, eyes, or any combination is 450 weeks.
An injured worker is also entitled to whatever reasonable and necessary medical services are required to treat the injury and achieve maximum medical improvement. These include doctor and hospital services, medication, physical therapy, crutches and any other medical service which is necessary.
While the Workers’ Compensation law exists to guarantee certain benefits for work related injuries or illnesses, these benefits are limited and often will not make you whole again. Contact an attorney that specializes in Mississippi Workers’ Compensation claims to ensure you receive the appropriate benefits.
If you or a loved one was injured at work and have questions about whether your work injury falls under the jurisdiction of the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission, contact Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. at 601-948-8005 today. Consultation is free. Everything is confidential. There is no obligation. We have a team of lawyers and staff ready to guide you through this process and ensure your rights are protected.