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When A Workers’ Comp Claim Turns Bumpy…

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > When A Workers’ Comp Claim Turns Bumpy…

When A Workers’ Comp Claim Turns Bumpy…


Imagine this: the Employer and Carrier have admitted responsibility for your workers’ compensation claim, and things are going smoothly.  The Employer and Carrier are paying for your medical treatment, you are receiving your TTD checks in a timely manner, you don’t have any issues with mileage or prescription reimbursement, and all is well.  All of the sudden something changes…. A doctor changes their opinion on whether your treatment is work related, you’re missing a check, or the adjuster won’t approve that surgery you need.


If you don’t already have a lawyer in place, and you wait to find one until something gets denied, you can be looking at a close to three month waiting period by the time your lawyer controverts your claim, gets an answer back, gets the supporting documentation needed, and then files a motion.  Plus, you will then have to wait on when the judge is available to hear the motion on your issue.


If you do have a lawyer with Chhabra & Gibbs, we already have a plan in place for how to handle these bumpy situations.  As long as you can get us written proof that something is being denied, we can get to work by quickly filing a motion that will make the Employer and Carrier go in front of the judge and explain their denial.  We are often very successful in getting the judge to order the insurance company to pay for your treatment.


Rogen K. Chhabra


If you need help with your workers’ compensation case, call us today by dialing 601-948-8005 or by using our live chat available at our website. We are here for you and there is no fee to meet with us and discuss.

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