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Offshore Injuries

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Offshore Injuries

Offshore Injuries

Offshore injuries are unfortunately very common due to many dangerous factors such as heavy machinery, poor weather conditions, and much more. While many people working in the U.S. are covered under workers’ compensation laws if they are injured at work, that doesn’t apply to those working offshore such as on boats or rigs. Those working offshore and injured on the job are covered by a whole separate set of laws known as the Jones Act.

In recent news, several offshore workers were killed in a helicopter crash off the Louisiana coast that was carrying oil rig workers. This is just one of the many examples of the dangers of offshore jobs and why the Jones Act was set in place.

What is the Jones Act?

The Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, is a federal statute set in place to protect offshore workers. The Jones Act protects employees working on boats and rigs as well as transportation back and forth such as by helicopter or boat. Prior to this Act, those injured or killed while working at sea had very little rights to protect them and their families.

What to do if Injured Offshore

Offshore injuries can be catastrophic for both the injured victim as well as their family. If you are injured offshore, its important to know what to do in order to protect your rights.

  • Report to supervisor immediately
  • Request an incident report
  • Take note of any witnesses to your injury
  • Seek medical treatment ASAP
  • Contact a Maritime Lawyer

If you or a loved one is injured or killed in offshore contact Chhabra & Gibbs P.A. for a FREE consultation. Our dedicated team of Maritime Attorneys have the experience to fight to get you maximum compensation for your injuries. We are available 24/7 to help, contact us at 601-948-8005 for your FREE case evaluation.

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