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Can I get Lost Wages for the Time I’m Hurt?

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Can I get Lost Wages for the Time I’m Hurt?

Can I get Lost Wages for the Time I’m Hurt?

lost wages

The number one question I’m asked as a workers’ compensation attorney is “can I get my lost wages for the time I missed from work?” The short answer is yes. Mississippi’s legislature created part of our statute to help injured workers replace their wages after they get hurt and miss work. These wage loss benefits are what an injured worker is entitled to while they are under the care of a doctor. These benefits are commonly known as “temporary total disability” benefits or “TTD” for short.

The TTD benefits mentioned above are not paid at the injured workers full wages. Rather, they are subject to a maximum weekly amount set by the Mississippi legislature. Currently, the max average weekly wage a person in Mississippi can receive is $551.02 per week. The minimum average weekly wage a person can be paid TTD for is $25.00 per week. The maximum number of weeks a person can receive TTD is 450 weeks from the original date of injury, which equates to a lifetime disability maximum of $247,959.00.

If you or a loved one are hurt on the job, you are entitled to benefits to replace your lost wages. Please call or text the injury lawyers at Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A., at 601-948-8005. We have a team of staff ready to answer you and your loved one’s questions. We can guide you through this process and fight to ensure that you receive maximum benefits under the law. The consultation is free. There is no obligation.

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