Why Do I Have to Bring My Medical Records?
Why do I have to bring my medical records?
Medical records are an important aspect of every workers’ compensation case in Mississippi. Because we represent you, we have to understand what is going on with your medical treatment. Your understanding of your treatment plan and what the doctor notates in his/her records can sometimes differ, so it is crucial that everyone is on the same page about the progression of your medical treatment. At your new client intake, we will discuss several different methods of obtaining your medical records and the pros and cons of each one. However, the quickest (and cheapest) way for your workers’ comp or personal injury attorney to understand the bigger picture of your medical treatment is for you to bring your medical records to your new client intake appointment. That way, your attorney can make copies while you are there, and produce a more accurate game plan for how to best proceed with your case. The same is true for medical bills—if you are receiving unpaid bills related to your treatment, you need to bring those to your appointment as well. However, if you have a problem obtaining your own medical records prior to your appointment, let your attorney know and they will discuss other options. Our attorneys strive to give you an accurate and realistic game plan for your case, so the more information you can give them about your treatment, the better.
Our personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys are here for you. If you have been injured at work or due to the negligence of someone else, contact us today by calling 601-948-8005 or by using our live chat here on our website. There is no fee to discuss your case with us. We are available anytime here at Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A.