When To Talk To A Lawyer If Hurt Offshore

I got hurt working offshore, when should I talk to a lawyer?
The short answer to getting hurt when working offshore – as soon as possible.
With its high pay and often little to no training required, this kind of work is one of the most enticing jobs here in Mississippi and Louisiana. With reward however comes risk – working on the water is often literally back-breaking work. In addition to the heavy labor, many offshore workers face dangerous conditions on the ships due to poor maintenance, lack of training, inadequate safety measures and dilapidated conditions of the ship overall.
Because offshore work is so dangerous, there are specific laws that have been carved out to try and help seamen become whole after they are hurt. Slip and falls, lifting accidents, crane accidents and other machine/equipment failure are some of the most common causes of coastal injuries but injuries can occur in many different ways. If you have suffered ANY type of injury on the water, including a heart attack or stroke, talk to an attorney immediately.
Seeking compensation for offshore injuries can a difficult process if you don’t have the assistance of an experienced attorney. If you or a loved one had been injured or killed while working on the water call 601-948-8005 today to get your free case evaluation.