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Motorcycle Stats You Should Know

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Motorcycle Stats You Should Know

Motorcycle Stats You Should Know

As the weather gets warmer you will see more and more motorcycles on the road. Whether you are the one riding a motorcycle or you happen to drive past one on the road its important to know the dangers that come with them. Here are a few motorcycle stats you should know in order to be a little more cautious next time your on the road.

Fatality Rate of Motorcyclists

On average, there are over 5,000 motorcyclist fatalities every year, and this number has continued to increase over the years. The average fatality rate is just over 67 percent which is significantly higher than that of a car or truck.

Motorcyclist Injuries

While the fatality rate among motorcyclists has increased the amount of injuries due to motorcycle accidents has slightly decreased to around 83,000 every year.

A few other facts to keep in mind is that the time of day for the highest fatality for motorcyclists is between 3-9 PM. Motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident that a driver of a car. Lastly motorcyclists age 55 and older attest for 27% of motorcyclists killed in 2020.

Be Cautious of Motorcycles

  • Follow traffic laws and be aware of motorcyclists on the road.
  • Check all blind spots for motorcycles.
  • Allow motorcycles the entire lane of traffic.
  • Don’t follow too closely.

These stats and tips are meant to serve as education to both motorcyclists and other drivers on the road to show just how dangerous it can be for them and other drivers.

If you or a loved one does find yourself in a motorcycle accident, be sure to call the police, take pictures and note of any witnesses at the scene, get a copy of the police report, seek medical treatment ASAP, and then call a motorcycle accident attorney.

Chhabra & Gibbs P.A. has been helping victims of motorcycle accidents for over 25 years. Our dedicated team of attorneys and support staff are standing by 24/7 to help get you maximum compensation for your injuries. Contact us for a FREE consultation at 601-948-8005.

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