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Should I go to the Emergency Room After a Car Wreck?

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Should I go to the Emergency Room After a Car Wreck?

Emergency Room After a Car Wreck

Imagine the scene: You are cruising along on a beautiful, blue Saturday morning, enjoying the drive. BOOM! You get thrown around your car and when you finally realize what happened, you feel it: PAIN. As you exit the car, you evaluate the property damage and then you REALLY feel it. PAIN! You contemplate what to do: try and tough it out or go pile up that hefty emergency room bill. Unfortunately, many people who wind up in a car wreck will not make the proper decision.

One of the most important things you can do if you have been in a car wreck is immediately seek treatment and make sure you inform the doctor you were recently in a wreck. Despite your concern with the bill, future recovery against the person that hit you is much more likely if you immediately seek treatment. By going to the ER, you have the ability to be checked up for any issues (remember, whiplash can happen at a mere 5 mph), and you create immediate pressure on the opposing party’s insurance company to pay out your claim one day. A competent personal injury attorney will work to get some waiver on the emergency room bill and ensure that you get enough money to cover what cannot be waived, while still working to put money in your pocket. The thought of the defense attorney and the jury is the same: if they were so hurt, why didn’t they go to the doctor right away? This thought can be damming to your claim. Do not let a pocketbook decision on the front end hurt your pocketbook on the back end.


If you or a loved one have questions about your car wreck, contact Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. personal injury firm at 601-948-8005 today. Consultation is free. Everything is confidential. There is no obligation. We have a team of lawyers and staff ready to guide you through this process and ensure your rights are protected.

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