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What You Need to Know About Credible Fear When Seeking Asylum

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Angela Trehan  > What You Need to Know About Credible Fear When Seeking Asylum

What You Need to Know About Credible Fear When Seeking Asylum

Now, more than ever, it is important to stay up to date and in the know about the changes and processes that are involved for the purpose of establishing credible fear when seeking asylum in the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented a new rule that gives asylum seekers less time to amend, correct, and seek redetermination of their negative credible fear results when an Immigration Judge affirms the denial of their credible fear. DHS has explained that with this new rule, individuals who are found to be ineligible for asylum “will be promptly removed rather than remaining in the U.S. for years while their cases are pending.”  Now, individuals will only have 7 days to complete the process for redetermination. Meaning, individuals will only have this amount of time to gather their evidence, find a way to effectively tell their story, and ask USCIS to take another look at their case so that they do not get removed from the United States.

If you or a loved one has any questions regarding credible fear when seeking asylum or any other immigration issues, please contact immigration attorney Angela K. Trehan of Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. Call us 24/7 for a FREE consultation at 601-948-8005, or our office cell phone at 601-927-8430.

Chhabra & Gibbs P.A. Immigration Team has over 10 years of experience dealing with complex immigration cases. We have staff who are fluent in Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, and Arabic. We have represented clients from over 35 different countries. We are eager to provide you with the professional legal assistance you require. You can learn more about our team and our Immigration Legal services at cgimmigrationteam.com.

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