Common Causes of Car Wrecks

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in 2020 Mississippi had over 700 deaths due to car crashes. This number has continued to rise over the years and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. With the large number of crashes on the roads in Mississippi, it makes us wonder what are the common causes of car wrecks?
- Distracted Driving
While many of the new features in cars and on phones today try to prevent distracted driving it still seems to be a problem for many drivers. Trying to focus on anything other than driving causes danger for you and anyone else on the road, whether its texting, talking on the phone, doing makeup, eating, or just looking at the scenery doing any of these while driving can turn deadly in a second. Do yourself and others a favor and wait till you’ve made it to your destination to finish that text or sandwich.
- Drunk Driving
Driving while under the influence is not only illegal it’s also deadly. In 2020 11,654 died from alcohol related car crashes, which is a 14% increase from the year before. If you or someone you’re with is under the influence of alcohol or drugs call a friend or a cab, it could save someone’s life and lot of money.
- Reckless Driving
Whether you’re swerving all over the road or speeding to make an appointment, driving reckless can turn into a deadly situation very quickly. A speeding ticket can not only cost you your license or a hefty fine, but it could also cost someone their life.
- Weather Conditions
There is no shortage of bad weather in Mississippi, from snow and ice to tornados and hail, the roads can be very dangerous in bad weather. When you plan to go out make sure to take a look at the weather to see what the road conditions could be like and always use extreme caution when driving through bad weather.
If you or a loved one was injured in a car wreck, contact the dedicated law team of Chhabra & Gibbs. We have a team of lawyers standing by to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us at 601-948-8005 for a FREE consultation. To learn more about common causes of car wrecks or other personal injury news visit