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Children & Personal Injury Attorneys’ Fees

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Children & Personal Injury Attorneys’ Fees

Children & Personal Injury Attorneys’ Fees

attorneys' fees

How much does a child have to pay in attorneys’ fees in a Mississippi personal injury case?


The answer to attorneys’ fees depends on a number of things.


When a minor is injured in Mississippi, his parents generally hire an attorney to pursue the case on his behalf. Different attorneys use varying fee percentages for minors, usually depending on the type of personal injury case, but the vast majority of fees probably range from 1/3-40% in attorneys’ fees.  When a settlement is reached, the settlement must be approved by the chancery court (either through a minor settlement or a full guardianship, depending on the amount of the settlement) before the settlement is final. When seeking approval of the minor’s settlement, the court also has to approve the attorneys’ amount to be paid to the attorneys who handled the personal injury claim. The judges have complete discretion in the percentage of attorneys’ amount to allow and it often varies from court to court what percentage will be approved. The judges also look at the experience of the attorneys handling the case, the value of the settlement and the complexity of the personal injury case in determining the fee percentage to approve, but again, in my experience, most approve fee percentages in the range of 1/3-40%.


If you or your child has been injured and needs the assistance of an attorney in Mississippi, contact the law firm of Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. today by calling 601-948-8005 or by using our chat here on our website. There is no fee to discuss your potential case with you.


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