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Log Truck Collision Kills 3 People

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > 18-Wheeler Accidents  > Log Truck Collision Kills 3 People

Log Truck Collision Kills 3 People

log truck

Monday afternoon MHP responded to a log truck crash in Copiah County that killed 3 people. The log truck was travelling East on highway 28 when it collided with a Lexus. As a result of the log truck collision, both the driver of the log truck and the two occupants of the Lexus died. The vehicle crash is still under investigation, but more information can be seen at wjtv.com.

Mississippi has a large logging industry so unfortunately a log truck collision isn’t uncommon. Lately there has been many accidents on the road and when it comes to wrecks with large trucks such as an 18-wheeler like the log truck they can end up being deadly. According to policyadvice.net 74% of fatal vehicle wrecks involve a large truck. When driving on the road always be paying attention to your surrounds and be cautious especially when driving near an 18-wheeler.

If you or a loved one was injured in a car or 18-wheeler wreck, call the experienced legal team of Chhabra & Gibbs. We have an experienced team of attorneys standing by to help you with your personal injury case. Contact us at 601-948-8005 for a Free case evaluation.

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