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Eliquis Side Effects

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Eliquis Side Effects

Eliquis Practice Area Mass Tort

The blood thinning medication Eliquis (apixaban) has been linked to serious internal bleeding complications that may be fatal.

If you or a loved one took apixaban and suffered any of the following Eliquis side effects, contact us today:

  • Bleeding on the brain
  • Intestinal bleeding
  • Kidney bleeding
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Death

Different Blood Thinner, Same Complications

Eliquis (apixaban) was introduced in 2012 by Pfizer and Bristol-Meyers Squibb to prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation and to prevent blood clots in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery. It is the third member of a new generation of blood thinners, behind Pradaxa and Xarelto, that were introduced to the market to compete with warfarin, which has been the standard blood thinner prescribed by doctors for decades.

Pradaxa, Xarelto and now Eliquis have been aggressively marketed and promoted as superior alternatives to warfarin (Coumadin), which requires a strict diet and regular blood monitoring. However, these new blood thinners are also ranked among the most dangerous medications to take based on the number of adverse events reported to the FDA.

The most common adverse events reported by users include uncontrollable internal bleeding and hemorrhage. That’s because, unlike warfarin, Pradaxa, Xarelto and Eliquis do not have an antidote to stop internal bleeding should it occur. This has led to uncontrollable bleeding in hundreds of patients, requiring hospitalization and sometimes leading to death.

This lack of bleeding antidote has led to thousands of product liability lawsuits against the manufacturers of these blood thinners, alleging they manufactured and sold a dangerous drug and failed to warn users or the medical community that a reversal agent does not exist.

Blood Thinner Lawsuits

Eliquis (apixaban) is the new anticoagulant on the block but it has already become the target of litigation concerning its dangerous bleeding risks. Lawyers are preparing for an influx of Eliquis lawsuits against Pfizer and Bristol-Meyers Squibb as cases progress against the manufacturers of Pradaxa and Xarelto.

Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer of Pradaxa, currently faces more than 2,000 Pradaxa lawsuits. In May 2014, the drug maker agreed to pay $650 million to settle close to 4,000 Pradaxa lawsuits, averaging about $150,000 per case.

Bayer and Johnson & Johnson, the manufacturers of Xarelto, also face litigation over claims they failed to warn users about the bleeding risks of their drug. In December 2014, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict litigations centralized nearly 50 federal Xarelto lawsuits in the Eastern District of Louisiana. Dozens more Xarelto lawsuits are expected to be filed in the first few months of 2015.

Eliquis lawsuits also accuse drug makers of negligently manufacturing and selling a drug without adequately disclosing its risks for uncontrollable bleeding. Eliquis lawsuit plaintiffs are seeking compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages.

If you or someone you know was injured while taking Eliquis, or any of the other blood thinners mentioned in this blog, contact the Mississippi Attorneys at Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A.  There is no fee to discuss your case. You can contact us by calling 601-948-8005, by using our live chat on our website, or our contact form.


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