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Steps for an Uncontested Divorce in Mississippi

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > Steps for an Uncontested Divorce in Mississippi

Steps for an Uncontested Divorce in Mississippi


The first step in the process to get a divorce in Mississippi for an uncontested divorce, or one that is agreed upon by the parties, is to determine what will happen to all of the debts and assets of the parties and, if kids are involved, the custodial situation and child support obligations. Once these matters are determined, you and your spouse will file a joint petition for divorce and an agreed upon property settlement agreement, sometimes also called a marital dissolution agreement, which will set out who gets what property, who is responsible for each marital debt and who has primary custody the children or if there will be joint custody. It is very important that the property settlement agreement is thorough and that it covers all matters in case one party doesn’t uphold their agreement you can then go back to court later to enforce the agreement. A thorough property settlement agreement is also helpful to avoid conflicts later on about issues that were not contained in the agreement.


The divorce petition then must be on file for at least 60 days before the judge can sign and enter the final judgment of divorce. During that 60-day time frame, either party may withdraw their consent to the divorce if they change their mind. Once the judgment is entered, the divorce is final.


If you or someone you know needs help filing for divorce in Mississippi, contact the experienced legal team of CG Law Group at 601-948-8005. CG Law Group is an affiliate of the personal injury firm, Chhabra & Gibbs PA.


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