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Dangerous Semi-Truck Crash on I-55

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > 18-Wheeler Accidents  > Dangerous Semi-Truck Crash on I-55

Dangerous Semi-Truck Crash on I-55

dangerous semi-truck crash

WAPT News reports of a dangerous semi-truck crash occurred on I-55 this morning, July 21st in Canton, MS near the Nissan plant involving a semi-truck and multiple vehicles. It is still a developing story, so we are not sure of the injuries yet.

This semi-truck crash is one of many that can be seen on I-55 on a daily basis, as this stretch of highway goes from Northern Illinois to South Louisiana. Even with all the new technology we have today the transportation of goods is primarily still done by 18-wheelers throughout the U.S.

Unfortunately, many times when there are crashes involving a semi-truck the injuries are severe and many times deadly. According to policyadvice.net 74% of fatal vehicle crashes involve large trucks like this. Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) has been working hard to keep Mississippi roads safe but a dangerous semi-truck crash like this is hard to prevent.

If you or someone you know was injured in a semi-truck or other motor vehicle accident, contact the experienced personal injury lawyers at Chhabra & Gibbs. Call 601-948-8005 for a Free consultation.

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