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How long do I have to make a claim for social security disability benefits?

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > How long do I have to make a claim for social security disability benefits?

How long do I have to make a claim for social security disability benefits?

Claim for social security disability benefits

There are 2 types of disability benefits that you can apply for through the Social Security Administration. The first type is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and the second is Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) benefits. I will discuss each type below and the deadlines to apply for those benefits.

SSDI benefits are for individuals who have earned enough work credits due to paying into Social Security through their employment. These individuals have what is known as a date last insured from Social Security, which is determined by the Social Security Administration based on their work history. In order to be eligible for SSDI benefits, the Social Security Administration must find that you became disabled prior to your date last insured. Please note that the decision from Social Security does not have to occur before your date last insured but Social Security must find that your disability began before your date last insured.

SSI benefits are disability benefits are for individuals who have not worked or do not have enough work credits to be eligible for SSDI benefits, or whose date last insured has passed prior to their disability beginning. However, in order to be eligible for SSI disability benefits, you must also meet certain income or asset eligibility requirements from Social Security. There is no timetable to apply for SSI benefits.

Whether you are trying to apply for SSDI or SSI it is beneficial to contact an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer to assist you through the process. At CG Law Group we have a dedicated and experienced team of lawyers and paralegals to help guide you through the SSD process. CG Law Group is an affiliated firm of Chhabra & Gibbs P.A. which has been helping clients for over 25 years with their personal injury cases.

If you or a loved one needs help filling for SSD or has been denied for Social Security Disability in the past contact us 24/7 at 601-948-8005 for a FREE consultation.

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