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CG Law Group


CG Law Group, P. A., an affiliated firm of Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. that was formed by the founding members of Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. to meet the growing needs of the firm’s clients without compromising the attorney’s abilities to focus on a particular area of law.  Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. is able to give top rate competent service to people who have been injured, while the affiliated CG Law Group, P.A. is able to meet the other legal needs of injured people like estate and chancery work, social security disability, and discrimination cases.  Together, we strive to assure that our client’s rights are upheld and that their best interests are served.

Social Security Disability

When you apply for social security disability benefits in Mississippi, you are going to have to experience an often lengthy process to prove you are eligibility to receive benefits. In the state of Mississippi, the percentage of initial SSD cases that are awarded is just under 25%, while that percentage hovers around 32% on a nationwide level. In Mississippi in particular, only 6.6% of the cases that are appealed and that go up for reconsideration are subsequently awarded. If you are applying for social security disability benefits in Mississippi and your initial claim is denied, you will likely stand the best chance of having your case finally awarded by requesting that you case is heard by an Administrative Law Judge in one of the three social security disability hearing offices in the state. CG Law Group, P.A. can assist you in this process of fighting for your social security disability rights in Mississippi.


As top-rated Jackson, MS discrimination attorneys, CG Law Group will fight for your rights as an employee dealing with harassment, retaliation, discrimination, or any other similar discrimination issue as well as your EEOC process and charge.


As top-rated Jackson, MS estate attorneys, CG Law Group will help you with the guidance and expertise needed for your last will and testament, power of attorney, living will, and living trust. They will also assist with guardianship or conservatorship for your family needs.

Domestic Matters

As top-rated Jackson, MS family law/domestic matter attorneys, CG Law Group will assist with your divorce or annulment, child custody and visitation, child support, or contempt matters.

CG Law Group strives to assure that our client’s rights are upheld and that their best interests are served.

Social Security Disability FAQ

When is a person considered disabled?

A person is considered disabled if he or she is unable to perform their past relevant work as well as any other work in the national or regional economy at a substantial gainful activity level, or SGA, for at least 12 months.

When should I apply for Social Security Disability?

A person should apply for disability when they are no longer working full time and they have a reasonable expectation that they will be unable to return to full time work within 12 months.

Are there retroactive benefits?

Yes. There may be retroactive benefits if there is an extended period of time that the person was disabled before they filed their claim for benefits.

When should I apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits?

A person should apply for SSI when they are no longer working full time and they have a reasonable expectation that they will be unable to return to full time work within 12 months. SSI is a two part process to qualify, you must meet not only the disability requirements but also qualify financially as SSI is a needs-based program.

What are the requirements for Social Security Disability (SSD)?

Unlike the SSI program, SSD has no financial qualifications, however you must be found disabled and you must have worked in the national economy and paid into the Social Security system for a required period of time.

How can I apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Simply contact your local Social Security Office and arrange for a phone interview or a live interview at the office. You can also file an application for Social Security Disability benefits online at SSA.gov.

When should I hire CG Law Group?

Contact our office after you have received your initial denial from Social Security stating that you are still able to work. If you receive benefits with your initial application, then you do not need our assistance. However, if you receive a denial letter, do not wait. Contact our office as soon as possible. You have sixty (60) days to contact our office to file the appeal. If those 60 days expire you will have to file a new claim.

How long do I have to file an appeal?

You have 60 days from the date of your denial letter from Social Security to request your appeal. If you do not file your appeal within that time, you will have to file a new claim or provide good cause for a late filing.

How long is the application process?

There are three stages in the Social Security administrative process: Initial application; Reconsideration; and Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The initial application may take a few months; the Reconsideration appeal usually lasts around a month; the Request for Hearing appeal varies from state to state but generally lasts around a year. There is an additional appeal level after the ALJ decision before the case must be taken before the federal court.

How can I make the application process go faster?

If you have received 2 denials and are waiting for a hearing and are in dire need, we may be able to help you request a critical case status. However, not all critical case status requests are approved.

I was denied for benefits recently. Should I appeal or just file again?

If you have not yet had a hearing before an ALJ on this claim, you should only appeal. Filing a new claim would give up any claim you might have before the date of the notice of denial.

Social Security Disability, Discrimination, Estates, Guardianships, and Domestic Matters

Do you need assistance with your Social Security Disability?

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