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18-Wheeler Wreck on I-10 Bridge, Pascagoula River

Chhabra, Gibbs & Gustavis, P.A. > Blog Posts  > 18-Wheeler Accidents  > 18-Wheeler Wreck on I-10 Bridge, Pascagoula River

18-Wheeler Wreck on I-10 Bridge, Pascagoula River

18-wheeler wreck

Jackson County Sheriff’s Department responded to an 18-wheeler wreck on the eastbound side of the I-10 bridge over the Pascagoula River. Both east bound lanes are currently shutdown. An 18-wheeler lost control during the continued rain plaguing the Coast, dumping metal, and causing accidents with numerous vehicles. No other news is available at this time but follow MDOT on twitter for more updates.

A majority of the car wrecks that occur on Mississippi highways involve 18-wheelers. If you were involved in this wreck or another, what should you do? First, ensure that you are safe and ensure the safety of any passengers in your vehicle. Then, gather your necessary insurance information, drivers’ licenses, and other identifications and call the police. Give the police as detailed a report as possible, so that you can use the report to protect your claim in the event you need to litigate the matter. Specificity is key and will help your claim at a later date.  Do not leave until you have made your report and reviewed the report with the cops.

After the nerves die down and the police are done, go to the doctor. Make sure that you tell the doctor what happened and be truthful about what is hurting you. Even if you think your damage is minimal, you could have internal issues. Whiplash can happen in accidents as low as 5 mph. Get your doctor’s notes and get those to an attorney as soon as possible.

If you or someone you love was injured in an 18-wheeler accident, or some other vehicle crash, contact the personal injury attorneys of Chhabra & Gibbs. We have a team of lawyers waiting to get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us at 601-948-8005 for a free consultation.

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